who one the 2021 world juniors
what is the highest place on this earth
mount Everest
what is unique about the Nintendo switch
the reattaching joy cons or ability to move from tv or hand held
who was the game host
Alexander Trebek
who is older memere or grandad
what is an offside
when a player of the offensive team crosses the defense blue line before the puck does
what percentage of water is the world
when was the first Nintendo console released
what year was jeopardy first aired
what year did world war 2 end
how many players overall are on the ice
what is the deepest point in the ocean
Mariana trench
what year was Nintendo founded
who hosted the first jeopardy on our calls
me and my sister(Thomas and Elizabeth)
what year did 911 happen
is Canada the national sport[not including winter national sports]
yes latvia has a national sport of hockey
how old is the earth
4.54 billon years thats a lot of candles on the birthday cake
what was the most successful Nintendo game
Super Mario
how old was the host of jeopardy when he died
80 years:(
when did world war 1 start
who had the most points in the NHL 2020
-Connor McDavid
-Brayden Schenn
-Leon Draisaitl
Leon Draisaitl with 110 pionts
what is earth distance from pole to pole[kilometers]
4008 kilometers around
what Nintendo product was released in 1989
Game boy
how did the host of jeopardy die
pancreatic cancer
when were memere and granddad married