stuff meant to make you think hard
a baby could do this
the easiest
stuff I learnt in 5th grade

is earth special? 

no, there are thousands of not billions of planets out there in the galaxy and universe that are just like the Earth, yet we don't know if they have life or not because they haven't sent out a message yet, and this includes moons. (examples of moons are europa and titan, and exoplanet examples are Trappist 1-e)


what is the name of the black hole at the center of our galaxy?

sagittarius a*


name 5 moons(I will see if you said real ones, and do NOT use our moon as an example)

whatever you said if you got them right?


what color are the brightest stars?

bright blue

the summer triangle consists of which stars?

vega, Altair, and deneb


what is the universe doing right now

expanding, its getting bigger every second, every day, but we cant see because its so many light years away.


why is pluto no longer a planet?

the iau decided that in order to be a planet you must have enough mass to be round, orbit the sun(or your systems star), and have a clean orbit with no debris, and pluto's orbit is not clear on debris


are moons better than planets and vice versa?

noo silly they are the same amount of importance


how do rings form on planets?(and moons possibly)

moons or asteroids getting too close to an object with a much larger mass tend to break apart into little pieces and start orbiting the object in clusters.(fun fact: all of the jovian planets have rings not just saturn)


what star illuminates the pistol nebula?(take a wild guess)

pistol star

did NASA explore more of the water, or of space?

more of space surprisingly considering how large it is and how it continuously grows


what is the universe mainly full of?

dark matter


what is the perimeter of the Hercules great wall

10 billion light years long, 7 billion light years wide, and nearly a billion light years thick


what is the brightest object in the universe?

a quasar

what does NASA stand for

national aeronautics space administration


What is the Fermi Paradox?

A paradox that either states we are not alone, or we are the only form of life ever and are alone.


How old is the universe?

roughly 13 billion years.


How can we see distant galaxies

Through a space telescope, BUT only if they are older or the same age as our solar system because of how many light-years away it is


How do stars die?(Multiple answers depending on the type of star)

For stars like our Sun they will expand into a red giant and then collapse into a white dwarf star

For supergiant stars they supernova to either become a neutron star, or a black hole
