whats the name of the first sword
what is cutlass
what is the name of the fighting style you spawn in with
what is combat
what is the largest country
what is russia
how many planets are there in the solar system
what is 8
what did i like to learn about when i was younger
what is alphabet/numbers
how many islands can you buy a sword from first sea
what is 4
what is the name of the upgraded version of dark step
what is death step
what is the name of the long river in the world
what is nile river
what is the coldest planet in the solar system
what is uranus
what planet did i say i came from when i was younger and said i had unnatural sences and powers
what is mars
where do you find the vice admiral
what is marine fortress
how do you get sharkman karate
what is kill tide keeper and get key talk to npc and buy it
what is the name of the famous landmark in india
what is taj mahal
what is the name of the farthest object humans have sent into space
what is voyager 1
what is the name of my first fantasy character that i made up
who is lighting boy
the name of the last island in the first sea
what is fountain city
what was the name of dragon breath
what is dragon claw
what is the name of the country who speaks हिन्दी
what is india
what is the farthest dwarf planet in the solar system
what is eris
what is the name of the character i made up who was a demon but nice
who is demon boy
the name of secret boss
who is ice admiral
how do you get sanguine art
what is get a ship by doing sea events and than get shar anchor and than go to the frozen dimension and kill leviathan adn with new ship firer horpon at heart and than go back to tiki and than buy it
how many people live in sao tome and principe
what is 231.856
what is the names of the north stars
what is polaris vega thuban
what are the names of the strongest character that i have made up and his 6 other brothers
who are human, shark/fish, angel, rabbit/mink, cyborg, ghoul and draco/dragon