What is one tip that you could give someone trying to manage footprint
What is being kind ( Open answers)
I can leave a positive footprint
What is true
Can someone find your digital footprint? why?
Yes, because you are aware that you're sending personal information online
What do caterpillars turn into?
What is Butterfly?
What does footprint mean in life?
What is being created every moment of your life?
True or false; I can not leave a negative footprint
What is False
Social media page influence my digital footprint
what is the things I post and comment?
Which is the fastest land animal?
What is a Cheetah?
What are some ways I can leave a positive footprint
What is
True or false: My mom can leave a positive footprint
What is True
What are 3 forms of digital communication?
what is Social media, texts, video chats?
Who is Spongebob Squarepants’ best friend?
What is Patrick?
An example of people that have made an impact with their leaving footprint
what is Rihana
What Is Oprah
True or false: Bullying is an example of a positive footprint
why should you worry about your digital footprint?
What is because your digital footprint can have a lasting impact on your reputation, relationships and employment opportunities?
In Disney's Cinderella, what are the names of Cinderella's two stepsisters?
What is Anastasia and Drizella?
leaving footprint
What is a unique set of characteristics, actions, etc., that leave a trace and serve as a means of identification
True or False: social media page influence my digital footprint
Digital foot print
What is the information that you share intentionally/unintentionally when using a device?
This animal can carry upto 5000 times its body weight.
What is an ant?