A bedroom
Une chambre
What you would say if the weather was warm
Il fait chaud
What you do with un appareil photo
Prendre des photos
How you tell someone that you're free
Je suis libre
To choose
Buildings usually have un escalier OR...
Un ascenseur
What you would say if the weather was cold
Il fait froid
How you say "to go on vacation"
Partir en vacances
To meet a friend
Retrouver un ami
To finish
A Parisian district, of which there are 20
Un arrondissement
What you would say if it was snowing
Il neige
How you say "to go sightseeing"
Faire du tourisme
How you'd ask someone if they want to come with you
Tu veux venir avec moi ?
Vous voulez venir avec moi ?
Tu veux m'accompagner ?
Vous voulez m'accompagner ?
The ground floor of a building
Le rez-de-chaussée
This is how you would ask what the weather is like
Il fait quel temps ?
To go horseback riding
How you would agree to an invitation
D'accord !
Je veux bien
Bien sûr
To lose weight
An armchair
Un fauteuil
What you would say if it was foggy out
Il y a du brouillard
To go diving/snorkeling
Faire de la plongée
What you would say if someone invited you somewhere but you couldn't make it
Je ne peux pas
Je ne suis pas libre
To succeed, to pass