Who owns Vista Checklist
Implementation Manager
What does CIT means?
Case Installation Tool
What is the source document used for updating States and Employee count?
cognos residency report
Where can we find the ERISA information in CIT?
Group General Page 2
What source document do we use to identify the ERISA information?
Who reviews Source documents to ensure IGO?
Implementation Manager
What is the standard value (%) of Dental indemnity?
What document is needed if the Groups has Non Standard Benefit?
What is the non medical plan offering of Cigna Facets?
What are the document we used in updating CI Summary?
BNCA and CI Summary template
Give the transaction we do in Facets CIT
New Business(NB), Renewal(Ren), Amendment/maintenance
Name the Pharmacy Offering in Cigna Facets
Medpharmact, Advantage, and Performance RX
What are the Vision Offering of Facets Cigna
VPPO and Vision Indemnity
What are the document that IA is responsible for uploading in vista?
CDR/Compare report and Leg review request form
What transaction in CIT is considered as IA responbility to create/Initiate CIT?
Banking related to NB and Renewal.
Give atleast 4 Fields to update in Group General Page 1
Group legal name, Tax Id, State of situs and effective date
What are the Dental Offerings of Facets Cigna
DPPO, DEPO, Dental Indemnity and DHMO
How Do IAs upload in Vista case attachment?
double Click the group, Look for case attachments, click upload and choose the file, Update the Category (if needed) then save and click attach file/s.
Give atleast 4 fields to update in Group General page 4
ERISA INfo, ERISA plan name, ERISA plan year begin, erisa plan year end, HIPAA client, initial eligibility, ongoing eligibility, 125 regulations
Give atleast 4 information to be loaded in Group general page 4
Sales office, Primary payment office, Sales rep, service rep, account manager, accout manager team Lead and platinum broker info
Name the 7 Type of Medical Plan offerings of Cigna
What is the end to end process?
Sales acquired client and complete source docs, IM will ensure IGO docs, IA will load CIT, Downstream will complete their review and Case is complete
How to Identify Dental if it is standard or Lean?
standard: Pre treat $200 exams 2per calendar year, Lean: $500 pre treatment 1 per 6 months
What is the end to end New Business process
IM review source document, IA build the CIT, sent to automation, then to legislation, then to Inspection
What are the items we review in BST?
Pricing Scenario, MRC, Incentive/motivateme, Lifestyle management prograp/LMP,Multiplier