Roots of Healthy Relationships
Types of Communication Style
Benefits of Healthy Relationships
General Questions About Relationships

This root of a healthy relationship means you are able to see and understand the needs, feelings, problems and views of others. You recognize that the world does not solely revolve around you.

What is Caring 


This form of verbal communication is one we learn from a very young age and comes in many languages. 

What is Talking


This type of boundary is more like a preference you have that may change and evolve over time. 

What is a Small Boundary


This benefit describes spending time together in healthy activities and enjoy similar interests. 

What is Companionship


What type of relationship is it when you say hello to someone you see every day but don't really know? The conversations are kept surface level maybe commenting about the weather or the local sports team and don't go too deep.

What is Casual or Informal


This root of a healthy relationship is at the core of healthy relationships. People who are _______ are trustworthy, dependable and open with others. They provide strength and support to friends and family members and are able to earn the confidence of other trustworthy people. 

What is Honesty


This style of communication is loud and demanding. It gives the speaker a sense of control, releases feelings at the others expense, and leaves people feeling afraid.

What is Aggressive 


This type of boundary are for things you are not willing to tolerate or compromise on under any circumstance.

What is a Big Boundary


People in healthy relationships provide ___________ ____________ to each other. This means being there for each other in both good times and bad. It provides comfort in times of personal struggle and means someone is there to listen to you, believe in you and accept you. 

What is Emotional Support

What is the relationship type called between you and your most influential people in your life? These are people that you feel closest to, such as a favorite family member, mentor, best friend or partner and often develop from positive experiences with casual acquaintances. 

What is Close or Personal


Your ability to ______ will grow as your other roots take hold. As you build the other healthy relationship roots, you will become both more ____worthy and better able to ______ others.

What is Trust


This style of communication apologizes a lot, doesn't share their feelings, and lets other people make decisions for them. It hides the true self from others, issues are not understood or resolved leaving the person unhappy, anxious, and disappointed. 

What is Passive


In this tip for respecting boundaries, you are expected to __________ to the other person and really seek to understand them. 

What is Listen


Feeling a sense of ______________ and belonging in a healthy relationship provides a rewarding feeling of identity, fellowship and comfort. 

What is Connectedness


Which of the following is not a healthy relationship quality: isolated, sense of belonging, companionship, or openness?

What is Isolated


This healthy relationship root means allowing others the freedom to grow in their own way and in their own time. It also means appreciating others and being understanding and accepting of their differences. 

What is Respect


This communication style confuses and manipulates others by combining two other styles of communication to make hurtful comments and hide the truth. It can often be mistaken for sarcasm. It allows the person to insult others but call it a joke, issues and conflicts don not get resolved, and people learn not to trust what this person says.

What is Passive-Aggressive 


In this tip for respecting others' boundaries, they suggest to pay attention to the person' ______ ___________ as a clue. For example, if someone is stepping away from you, you might be standing too close.  

What is Body Language 


This benefit of healthy relationships says that receiving and giving advice about practical matters is another benefit of healthy relationships. 

What is Sharing Helpful Information


True or False: No support, lack or guidance, lonely, feeling disconnected and cut off, and no honest feedback are all qualities of a healthy relationship. 

What is False 

In addition to the other healthy roots, relationships are improved when you allow others to see the real you. Keeping secrets blocks the relationship. Being ____ about your qualities, positive and negative, builds trust and encouraged others to do the same. 

What is Openness


This style of communication respectfully expresses thoughts and feelings. It is direct and honest, not hostile or passive. It confidently stands up for itself without violating the rights or feelings of others. 

What is Assertive

When communicating about a boundary you have, use simple, assertive language to communicate your boundary. Sometimes a simple ____ is sufficient. 

What is No


___________ _________ helps you change and grow in positive ways, shows respect for the other person and improves the quality of the relationship. 

What is Honest Feedback 


What are the three elements to practice in order to have effective communication? 

What is Talking, Listening, and Body Language 
