Although not seen on me often, my favourite colour is the most notable thing about me.
What is pink?
Give me the bear because I'm certainly not picking them.
What are men?
Despite being able to swim, I wouldn't want to be caught dead, or alive, here.
What is stranded at sea or in the middle of the ocean?
Since I can quote almost every scene from my favourite movie of all time, I might as well be considered one of the co-directors of this cult classic.
What is Scott Pilgrim vs The World?
This celestial body is my favourite 'planet', like how Deadpool is my favourite Marvel 'hero'.
What is Pluto?
Some say it's the same thing as my favourite flavour of cake. I still think it's gross.
What is red velvet?
My kindergarten teacher warned my parents about this childhood cartoon because of its "homosexual implications". They didn't listen and look where we are now.
What is Spongebob Squarepants?
These creatures are my favourite animals but I am not able to get them now as my father would kill them— Fatal Attraction style.
What are rabbits?
Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, this colour is my least favourite.
What is yellow?
Even with medical advancements being made of how to distinguish between alive and dead patients, this way of passing is actually more common than you think.
What is being buried alive?
This character influenced both my style and taste in women.
Who is Misa Amane?
With his weird fetish for Asian women and weird aversion to Black women, I cannot support this singer/rapper/director/actor/comedian on tiktok but I would skin someone to go to his concert.
Who is Childish Gambino or Donald Glover?
Despite us eating it every time we go to Annakay's house, I hate this topping.
What is cheese or cheddar cheese?
High on my existential crises but most likely to happen, I'm afraid of this happening for the first time in nature and being alone while it happens.
What is getting stung by a bee or wasp and having a fatal allergic reaction while I'm alone?
This is why I can't bite into apples. That and I just find it weird anyway.
What is my front teeth are artificial or because of the surgery on my front teeth?