The weapon from a popular video game that is in my closet
What is Keyblade?
Minecraft's release year
What is 2011?
Dead Monke that ended the world
What is Harambe?
Equal to 14 days
What is Fortnight?
Stand Lee's Death Date (Include Month, Day, and Year)
What is November 12th 2018?
My first Minecraft username
What is matthewvelasco12?
The most well-known tragedy in the popular game Five Nights at Freddys
What is The Bite of 87?
A yellow creature seen in blue overalls and goggles
What is Minions?
The amount of money given to first place at the Fortnite World Cup Finals
What is 3 Million USD?
What is 206?
My Birthday (Include Month, Day, and Year)
What is November 12th, 2004?
Pheonix's ultimate name
What is Run It Back?
When you think someone is suspicious in Among Us?
What is SUS?
During S1 and S2 which named area was at the top of the map
What is Anarchy Acres?
The First Vice President
Who is John Adams?
The Agents I have complete contracts on
What is Omen, Skye, and Killjoy?
The Minecraft update that added Red Nether Brick
What is 1.10/The Frostburn Update?
Born in North Carolina A rapper rising to fame in 2019 with the hit song ROCKSTAR, often known as a toddler or a child
Who is Dababy?
The Fortnite dance inspired by Ninja
What is Ninja Style/Pon Pon?
The father of Phineas and Ferb
Who is Lawrence Fletcher?
My Favorite Video Game Song
What is Super Smash Bros. Brawl Intro
Valorant's first agent not apart of beta
What is Reyna?
A popular television show character wearing a white button up with green pants
Who is Peter Griffin?
The Tier 100 skin found in Season 6 of Fortnite
What is Dire?
The location that Mario and Sonic went to during the 2012 Summer Games
What is London?