God Save the Queen
It's a Bug's Life
DC Duos
Pair of Anagrams
"Fruit"ful Technology

The daughter of King Henry VIII and ill-fated Anne Boleyn, this queen's reign was considered a "Golden Age" in British history due to the increased exploration of new colonies and progression of the arts- she even attended the first performance of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Who is Queen Elizabeth I?


A red hourglass shape is what distinguishes this poisonous spider from all other species.

What is the black widow spider?


Batman, and this villainous prankster played by Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, Jared Leto, and most recently Joaquin Phoenix.

Who is The Joker?


Listen- in vain, since there will be no sound when it is this adjective. 

What is silent?


This Cupertino-based organization is the largest publicly traded company in the United States, responsible for products such as the iPod, iPad, and iPhone. 

What is Apple Inc.?


Making the 1963 movie about this Egyptian queen portrayed by Elizabeth Taylor required a budget increase from $2 million to $44 million, nearly bankrupting the studio.

Who is Cleopatra?


Three Biblical plagues were caused by insects- lice, flies, and this organism found in abundance in East Africa.

What are locusts?


Superman, and this bald archnemesis and business conglomerate owner in the city of Metropolis. 

What is Lex Luthor?


Here come dots- this type of communication named for the inventor of the telegraph.

What is Morse Code?


This cellular device created by Research in Motion Limited (RIM) was argued to be the first smart phone on the market before the iPhone emerged. It was used so frequently that a thumb injury was named after it!

What is BlackBerry?


The 15th child of Francis I and Maria Theresa and wife of King Louis XVI, this young queen of France learned she couldn't have her cake and eat it too and was killed under the Reign of Terror in 1793.

Who is Marie Antoinette?


These pesky city-dwelling creatures can live for several months without a blood meal and can survive temperatures of nearly freezing to 122 degrees!

What are bed bugs?


Aquaman, and this ruthless maritime mercenary who battles Aquaman for control of the high seas.

Who is Black Manta?


Partial men- the legislative body of the United Kingdom.

What is parliament?


The size of a credit card, this single-board computer was created to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

What is Raspberry Pi?


This 19th century English queen proved to be quite the trendsetter as the first monarch to reside in Buckingham Palace, the first monarch to ride a train, and the first monarch to get married in a white dress.

Who is Queen Victoria?


This type of spider is unique in its ability to catch prey- instead of using webs, it pounces on the target insect and injects venom to liquefy the internal organs before consumption.

What is a wolf spider?


The Flash, and this supervillain (real name George "Digger" Harkness) who appeared in the 2016 film Suicide Squad.

Who is Captain Boomerang?


Old West Action- this "good, bad, and ugly" Western actor, now director.

Who is Clint Eastwood?


This German corporation, founded by an American with a "kirsch"y sounding name, delivers a wide range of electronic products including computer keyboards, snap-action and rocker switches, and magnetic sensors.

What is Cherry Corporation?


Married to Ferdinand II, this Spanish queen was responsible for the de facto unification of Spain and the funding of Christopher Columbus' voyage to the New World.

Who is Isabella I (of Castille)?


The word "pediculosis" refers to an infestation of this insect and usually occurs in schools and close contact areas.

What is head lice?


The Green Lantern, and this former Green Lantern Corps member who turned archnemesis after being dishonorably discharged from the organization for abuse of power.

Who is Thaal Sinestro?


A rope ends it- this word for a state of hopelessness.

What is desperation?


This independent video game developer based in Irvine, CA is known for releasing titles in the Ben 10 series, Medal of Honor: Airborne, and Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth.

What is Papaya Studio?
