What was the first Pokemon game
Pokemon red and blue
Anthropology has a ping pong tabled shaped like Easter island
True or false
True and it costs 4000 dollars
What meme is this
Me and boys
If i was in a tv show what color hair would i want
What is a dinosaur movie and in the 90s
Jurassic park
Which Pokemon am i
Trump is a good president
True and false
What meme is this
Jealous Meme
What supperpwer whould i want
Super speed
What is a show made in the 90s still running now
What do you call IT WHEN a Pokemon grows up and changes form
The elephant is the heaviest animal
False answer blue whale
What meme is this
Is my favorite shirt
Walugi launcher shirt
What was an the biggest accomplishment in 1900s
Launching the Hubble telescope
What is your first Pokemon Called
Starter Pokemon
Avatar is the movie which made the most money
False it was titanic
What meme is this
Surprised pikachu
What is my favorite color
Trick question none cause they are all beautiful
What game was made in the 1900s
The game boy
What is a feature in the Pokemon games that does not involve using Pokemon
Curry on rice
Squirrels can fly
False they can glide
What meme is this
To be continued
Wat is my favorite video game
Super smash ultimate
What brain test game was made in the 1900s
Rubic cube