Twilight's Brother
Shining Armor
Fluttershy's Brother
Zephyr Breeze
Fluttershy sings this in, "Stare Master" to try to make the CMCs fall asleep
"Hush Now, Quiet Now"
Scare Master: The First thing Fluttershy does to try to scare her friends.
a spooky tea party
Spike's pet
The oldest pony in the Mane 6
Soarin's nickname
Applebloom sings this song in, "On Your Marks"
"Out on my Own"
Who is in charge of the Apple Family Reunion?
Celestia's Pet
The Cutie Map part 2: The pony who admits that he wanted his cutiemark back.
Party Favor
Make New Friends but Keep Discord: The pony who Fluttershy invited to go to the Grand Galloping Gala with her.
Tree Hugger
The song Rara and the CMCs sing in, "The Mane Attraction"
"Equestria, the Land I Love"
In, "The Mane Attraction" , what is the concert called?
The Helping Hooves Music Festival
The pet that snuggles
Top Bolt: The ponies Twilight and Rainbow Dash helped.
Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail
The Hoofields and McColts: The leaders of both sides.
Ma Hoofield and Big Daddy McColt
Name 2 songs The Rainbooms sing in ,"Rainbow Rocks"
"Awesome as I wanna Be"
"Shake your Tail"
What episode number is Hearts and Hooves Day?
Season 2 Episode 17
Fluttershy's pet bird
Fame and Misfortune: 2 ponies that learned from the Friendship Journal.
Toola Roola and Coconut Cream
Autumn Blaze's Shadow
Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
The song Twilight sings in the end of "A Canterlot Wedding part 2"
"Love is in Bloom"
In ,"The Hearth's Warming Club", each of the creatures shared how they celebrated the holiday. What were the holidays called?
Yaks- Snilldar Fest
Dragons- Feast of Fire
Silverstream- Three days of Freedom Celebration
Ponies- Hearth's Warming
Griffons- Blue Moon Festival
Changelings- Hearth's Warming
In, "May the Best Pet Win", what was Rainbow Dash Dreaming about?
Gummy's body with Owlicious's wings with angel's head and Opalescence coming out of Angel's mouth