What is Fluttershy's Element of Harmony?
Who is Fluttershy's pet?
Angel bunny!
Who is AppleJack's Idol?
Rainbow Dash's favorite comic book hero who sometimes uses her help on epic missions.
Daring Do
A trio of fillies who are destined to find their special talents.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders! (CMCs}
What is AppleJack's Element of Harmony?
Who is Pinkie Pie's pet?
Gummy crocodile!
Who is Rarity's Idol?
The easygoing Sandbar (Earth Pony), the gruff Smolder (Dragon), the sarcastic Gallus (Griffon), the shy Ocellus (Changeling), the cheerful but clumsy Yona (Yak), and the hyperactive Silverstream (Hippogriff/Seapony) who defeated Cozy Glow
The Young Six
A young pony who looks up to Rainbow Dash also known as her sister.
What is Pinkie Pie's Element of Harmony?
Who is Rarity's pet?
Opalescence cat!
Who is Rainbow Dash's Idol?
Flash Magnus!
After being sucked into Spike's favorite enchanted comic book, he and the Main Six/Seven [Masked Matter-Horn = Twilight, Radiance = Rarity, Mistress Mare-velous = AppleJack, Fili-Second = Pinkie Pie, Hum Drum = Spike, Saddle Rager = Fluttershy and Zapp = Rainbow Dash} have to defeat the Mane-iac before entering back into the real world!
Who are the Power Ponies in Mare-tropolis.
Rainbow Dash's old friend griffon
What's Rarity's Element of Harmony?
Who is Rainbow Dash's pet?
Tank Tortoise!
Who is Fluttershy's Idol?
Mage Meadowbrook!
A statue was later made in the Crystal Empire after he saved it from King Sombra!
Spike The Brave And Glorious!
An evil communist who ran a town where everyone has the exact same cutie mark. = {Who reformed later on after attempting to undo Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom]
Starlight Glimmer!
What's Rainbow Dash's Element of Harmony?
Who is AppleJack's pet?
Winona dog!
Who is Pinkie Pie's Idol?
Four characters that reformed all the changelings and defeated Queen Chrysalis
Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Discord and Thorax.
The baby Alicorn
Flurry Heart