Who was the former king of crystal empire?
King sombra
Who is the main protagonist in my little pony?
Each pony has a unique symbol on them that represents their personality or talent trait, what is the name of the symbol?
Cutie mark
What is the corrupt form of princess Luna?
Who are the members of the main unicorn group?
Twilight sparkle, applejack, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity, and sparkle
What was my little pony original name?
My pretty pony
What are the main characters known as?
Mane six
Who created my Little pony?
Bonnie Zacherle
Who is one of the most generic, funny, and powerful villains?
Storm king
Who are the main princesses in “friendship and magic” in my little pony?
Princess Celestia, princess luna, and princess cadence
Who is the oldest pony out of mane six? (There’s two answers)
Rarity or applejack
Who was one of the villains that had the plan of draining all of equestria’s magic and become the “empress of friendship” and was one of the most intelligent villains?
Cozy glow
Who is the strongest my little pony character?
Lord tirek