The creator of equlitia
Who is Starlite Glimmer
These 4 princesses
Who are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight Sparkle
This magenta starburst with white stars cutie mark
What is Twilight's Cutie mark
Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow dash, and Twilight sparkle
Who are the spirits of the Elements of Harmony
Applejack and Rarity go to this city together a lot because the Cutie map called them
What is Manehattan
The master of chaos
Who is Discord
The highest pirncess
Who is Princess Celestia
Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootleoo
Who are the Cutie mark crusaders
The cutie map
What is the map in Princess Twilight's castle
Fluttershy's element of harmony
What is the element of kindness
Pinkie Pie and Applejack are this kind of relatives
What is 5th cousins once removed
This palace and city high above the ground
What is Canterlot
3 Diamonds
What is Rarity's cutie mark
The Canterlot Carousel
What is Rarity's boutique in Canterlot
Shining Armor
Who is Twilight Sparkle's Big brother
Maud's pet
Who is Bolder the rock
Where does Princess Cadence rule
What is the crystal empire
Rainbow dash's cutie mark
What is a rainbow lightning bolt with a cloud on top
The crusaders of the lost mark
What is my favorite episode
In what season does Twilight become a princess
What is season 3
Rainbow dash always dreamed to be in this team
Who are the Wonderbolts
Flutter heart
Who is Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's baby
How many yellow balloons are on Pinkie Pie's cutie mark
What is 1
The elements, the tree, the spirits...
What is the Harmonys
The Element of loyalty
What is Rainbow dash's element