Whilst fighting the fellowship, The Orcs and Goblins were frightened by this in the Mines of Moria.
What is the Balrog?
Before the inclusion of the word Instant, what keyword signified that a sorcery could be cast at instant speed.
What is Flash?
After many Years, The Classic Run of Doctor Who ended in this year.
What is 1987?
This is the Ork equivalent of a Bolter.
What is a Shoota?
Deep in South America, you can find the source of the Amazon River in this country.
Thorin Oakenshield had many possessions, among them was this elven sword.
What is Orcrist?
These two Therosian Gods are twins.
Who are Iroas and Mogis?
Counting from William Hartnell, Christopher Ecclestone is this number of Doctor.
What is Tenth?
This Space Marine Faction is located on Holy Terra.
Who are The Imperial Fists?
An Artistic Visionary, Van Gogh was known for missing this sense appendage.
What is an Ear?
In Return of the King, Faramir tries to save this city from the Orcs.
What is Osgiliath?
This character, who appears in Zendikar, was originally created for the Duels of the Planeswalker video game.
Who is Nissa Revane?
In The first series of the revived show, This two word phrase appeared throughout.
What is "Bad Wolf"?
This event caused the Eye of Terror.
What is the Birth of Slaanesh?
The world never knew about him until he led the cultural revolution in China.
Who is Chairman Mao?
Whilst Fishing, Smeagol kills this friend to obtain the one ring.
Who is Deagol?
At the end of the summer of 1994, This Non land card had more copies in existence than any other?
What is Atog?
The Doctor used this unusual weapon to fight Robin Hood.
What is a Spoon?
Among their kin, this is the youngest Chaos god.
Who is Slaanesh?
You would find the medulla oblongata in this part of the body.
What is the Brain?
When fighting the Balrog, Gandalf destroys this bridge in the process.
What is Kazad-Dum Bridge?
As of 27/10/22, Fiora sits at this place on the Rabiah Scale.
What is 7?
Played by Paul McGann, The 8th Doctor died for this reason.
What is Getting shot by Gangs?
The Dark Eldar give this Title to the chaos god Slaanesh.
What is she who thirsts?
Now Recovered, Ozzy Ozbourne talked to this to finally go to rehab for LSD.
What is a Horse?