Which stuffed animal is my favorite and oldest?
What is Fat Cat
what kind is it?
what is bunk bed
what is in my cabinet?
what is lego
what is my pjs I wear in the winter (december...christmas)
what is christmas trees
What is my favorite gift on christmas?
what is xbox 1
Has a red t-shirt with I love you
What is snuggly
what sheats and comforter did i get for christmas?
what is minecraft
what colors are the lego bins in my cabinet?
what is orange,green, and yellow
my ones i usually wear on pajama day at school?
what is emojis
what game did I play in december ( online)
what is santa tracker
is tiny and black
what is tuffy
what did I draw on my pillow at lily's birthday
what is emojis
what is my favorite and biggest lego?
what is slave 1
what are my 3 slippers about
what is pikachu, darth vader, and pizza
What did i leave santa on the fireplace
what is cookies and milk
got from disney world
what is hyiena pillow
what 2 modes does my night light have?
what lego have I rebuilt 3 times
what is millenium falcon
What are my striped pj's color
what is gray and white
What preformance did I see at a high school
What is nutcracker
got in new york with robbie
what is niagra snuggly
what leads up to my bed
what is ladder
what is the biggest thing on my wall shelf?
what is ninja temple
what is my racing pants from
what is mariokart
name 4 things i got in my stocking
what is narwhal stuffy, narwhal putty, yoyo, magnetic scuplture, and moj moj