What is a Virgin Population?
A population that has not previously been exposed to a specific infectious pathogenic microorganism and in which, therefore, there is no herd immunity.
Who played a large role in making inoculation commonplace in Europe?
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Where does the word Surgeon come from?
What is the study of anatomy of diseased organs and tissues?
Morbid anatomy
What did the industrial revolution an impetus for?
What was the first of many plague outbreaks which hit Europe for 4 centuries?
The Black Plague
What year did London experience a smallpox outbreak?
Who published Domestic Medicine: Or, A Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and Simple Medicines in 1769?
William Buchan
What could be compared with the Hippocratic tradition?
The Parisian emphasis
What ideas did Mesmer believe in?
Animal Magnetism
Some sort of opposition
Who helped practice inoculation?
Slaves practicing traditional African medicine
Who was the medical figure of the late eighteenth century who was also an American statesman?
Benjamin Rush
How did Bichat revolutionize medical analysis?
By categorizing types of organ tissue
Who coined the term homeopathy?
Samuel Hahnemann
What disease was particularly devastating to the indigenous Americans?
What outbreak was used to treat smallpox?
What did Enlightenment thinkers present?
What was popular to have in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries for wealthy men to have?
Private laboratories
What are the founding ideas of homeopathy?
That a disease can be cured by substances that induce its effects
What did the Native Americans have before being in contact with Europeans?
Endemic diseases
Who did Pasteur vaccinate against rabies?
Joseph Meister
Who called for the better public health infrastructure?
The Sanitarian movement
Who coined the term "omnis cellula e cellula"
What did Hahnemann observe with cinchona?
That other plants are more bitter and astringent that cinchona did not reduce fevers.