This town holds a weapon that when once used destroyed several species of Pokémon and millions of people.
Geosenge Town
"A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing can understand nothing."
Ansem the seeker if darkness
what is 'placenta compressa', or 'compressed cake' known to us as?
My theme strikes fear into my enemies, but to others its used in a lot of "no u" memes.
I'l Vento Doro
This game is very well known for its tremendous amount of lore and theory crafting. And even more so the memes revolving around certain periods of time
Five Nights At Freddys
This town is known for its paranormal phenomena, luckily protected by a half-dead teenage boy.
Amity Park
“A failed apprentice makes for a foolish master!”
Count Dooku
This product is the most shoplifted food item in the world.
Clash of Gods
This game was well known for its 3 main endings one could get as well as its unique take on fighting.
After the original city was destroyed due to a catastrophic event and left to ruins this new town was built over its ruin. This became home to many new warriors of light.
Scala ad Caelum
"How can there be any meaning in the memory of such a being? What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion."
Due to studies people are more afraid of what more then they are of death?
This theme belongs to a man who let jealousy get to him which resulted in him losing many things, one including his temper.
The 13th dilemma
This rpg franchise is well known not only for their massive open worlds but as well as their glitches and bugs.
Elder Scrolls
Originally a fishing village, named Edo, the city became a prominent political center in 1603, when it became the seat of the Tokugawa shogunate.
"Was the human world worthy of salvation? Or destruction and rebirth? ...It was all a part of my game."
What phobia did Alfred Hitchcock have?
Ovophobia-fear of EGGS
The theme of a man who was willing to do whatever it took to save the world from its pain, even if it meant killing those who stood in his way.
Gentle Madman
The creator of the very first video game
William Higinbotham
Once a Shuriman province, its ancient denizens failed to control the magics that protected it from the Rune Wars, and the Void's corruption took hold.
“Games Purify Our Souls And Leave Room For Our New Development That Challenges The Mind. They Are The Products Of Humans’ Wisdom.”
Seto Kaiba
The original name for butterfly
This theme belongs to a man who was orphaned with his brother and due to incredible luck and taking the company from his adopted father not only became a millionaire but someone who helped keep the world happy and safe.
You're not me
Due to studies in Asia how many gamers are predicted to be on earth by 2025
940.9 million