trombone,French Horn,Tuba, Baritone, Trumpet are all that kind of instruments
Which Game spawned Sussy Baka
What was the mafia style game that came out where there are innocents and killer on a space ship.
What are the two most popular consoles? (I'm looking for the companies not the brand so say Playstation and Xbox)
Microsoft and Sony
What is the service that makes youtube rewind
Youtube Red
Name of the bear in Jungle Book
What crypto currency sky rocketed after elon musk talked about it
doge coin
In what country were there major wildfires burning up half of the country/state.
When is overwatch 2 coming out
What is the most disliked video on youtube
What is the galxay of which our solar system is located
the milky way
What did master oogway say to the monkey student.
Mmmmm monkey
What battle royale came out in 2020 that didn't follow the normal rules of kill or be killed.
Fall Guys
What video game beat the amount of viewers for the superbowl in 2019
LoL (League Of Legends)
What is the payed service on Youtube where people can pay extra money to a channel for emotes on stream or extra content on the channel
Youtuber Members
How many beats are in a demisemiquaver
1/8 of a beat
Somebody toucha ...
What video game event was the largest in game event in gaming history? (Had the most people watching it)
Ariana Grande Concert in Fortnite :(
In what video game was the I'm going to Kermit suicide meme made.
Garry's mod
When did youtube come out (year)
Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial, Guinea Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini, Ethiopia
Hurricane Katrina more like...
Huricane Tortilla
Who did chance the rapper and elon musk want to be president of the United States
Kanye West
How many Halo Games have comeout
What channel reached 10mil subscribers fastest.
Mr Beast Gaming