Give me 4 Italian dishes
Pizza, Pasta Carbonara, Lasagna, Meatballs, etc.
Where do you watch movies?
At the cinema
Where can you swim?
In the sea / lake / ocean / river
Name 3 rivers
The Nile, Amazon, Seine etc.
Sushi, miso soup and sashimi are examples of what?
Japanese food
Where do you buy food?
At the supermarket
What can you climb?
A mountain / hill
Name 3 lakes
Garda, Como, Maggiore etc.
Paella, gazpacho and churros are examples of what?
Spanish food
Where do you buy medicine?
At the pharmacy / chemist's
What is surrounded by water?
An island
Name 3 mountains
Everest, K2, Mont Blanc, etc.
Curry, samosas, naan bread and biriyani are examples of what?
What shop sells meat?
The butcher's
On a volcano
Name 3 islands
Jersey, Capri, Iceland etc.
trick or treat
Stroganoff, borscht, pelmeni, blini and shchi are examples of what?
Russian food
Where do you go to borrow books?
The library
What is made of ice?
A glacier / An iceberg
Name 3 volcanoes
Vesuvius, Etna, Fuji