most famouse beach
Chaung Thar Beach
what is in most of myamar dishes
who was Aung San Suu Kyi
a famous author
what is a lake people like to vist
Inle Lake
who dose myamar blong to
India took them over in 1937
historical temples
Dhammayangyi Temple
is most of myamars food spicey
it tendes to be less spicy
what was Ne Win famous for
he was a Prime Minister
what is a good beach to go to in myamar
Ngapali Beach
why did bruni become mymar
a military junta that suppressed a pro-democracy uprising
national landmark
Big Four House, Old Sacramento State Historic Park.
dose myamar dishes tend to be nutrishes
diet is healthy and nutritious
what did Than Shwe do
he was famous for his miltiary
what is a iconic scutpture in mymar
Chaukhtatgyi Buddha
what is a importent historical buliding
Sule Pagoda
outdoor landmark
U Bein Bridge
what is the nashanal dish of myamar
most faouse wonmen in myamar
Aung San Suu Kyi
what is myamar mainly kown for
beaches, temples, history, culture, and gemstones.
Why did Britain give up Burma
Burma chose to become a fully independent republic
most famouse landmark in myamar
Shwedagon Pagoda
what culture of food is most popular in myamar
Indian and Chinese
richest man in myamar
Tay Za
what is a good activity for kids in myamar
Balloons over Bagan
japenes whated bruni because
The Japanese assumed that if Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist forces were deprived of this key logistical resourc.