The Mayor the Mayor's Youth Council was founded under.
Who is Thomas Menino?
Dan worked at this youth serving organization until last Summer.
What is Courageous Sailing?
Boston was founded in this year.
When is 1630?
Boston suffered a major flooding incident when a holding tank containing this substance exploded.
What is molasses?
This comedian hosted the Golden Globes last night.
Who Nikki Glaser?
The Mayor's Youth Council was founded in this year.
When was 1994?
Pedro worked at this Youth Serving Organization before becoming Executive Director of OYEA.
What is IBA? (Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion)
This Mayor served before Michelle Wu and was the first Woman of Color to be sworn in as Boston Mayor.
Who is Kim Janey?
Boston's first Subway stops were on what is now this color line on the MBTA.
What is the Green Line?
There are this many zodiac signs in astrology.
Two years ago, the Mayor's Youth Council had this many members.
Dan served on the Mayor's Youth Council for this many years.
How many is three?
This current Boston City Councilor was recently indicted on Federal Corruption charges over an alleged kick-back scheme involving handoffs of cash in City Hall restrooms.
Who is Tania Fernandez Anderson?
Name of the Federal judge who ruled that Boston had to desegregate its schools, leading to "Bussing".
Who is Judge Arthur M. Garrity?
In 2023, a tanker ship became lodged horizontally in this major and narrow international waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas.
What is the Suez Canal?
This current MA Attorney General and former City Councilor is a former member of the Mayor's Youth Council.
Who is Andrea Campbell?
Maya Bravo, OYEA Communications Manager is from this American City.
Where is Washington D.C.?
The current President of the Boston City Council.
Who is Ruthzee Louijeune?
This is what Native Americans of the Massachusetts Tribe called the Peninsula where Boston is now situated.
Where is Shawmut?
This fictional character is an undead Romanian Lord with a moustache who feeds on blood.
Who is Nosferatu?
MYC Receives significant funding annually from this organization. (Not the City of Boston)
What is Northeastern University?
Pedro keeps (many of) this collectible item in his office.
What are Funko Pops?
The Boston Planning Department, formerly known as the BPDA (Boston Planning and Development Agency), was originally known by this name.
Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA)
The major road connecting Roxbury Crossing to Route 93 is named for this iconic Roxbury Community Leader. (Must give the correct spelling of her first name)
Who is Melnea Cass?
The Eastern and Western hemispheres of the planet earth are divided by this line which passes through Greenwich England.
What is the Prime Meridian?