What's it called when you pick up food while still in the car?
Drive through
This popular song goes, "The wheels on the ___ go round and round."
This is a favorite game, and some of the best teams are the New England Patriots and the Dallas Cowboys
What is one holiday celebrated in December?
How many stars are on the USA flag (Seongjogi 성조기)?
Waffles are this kind of food [breakfast, lunch, or dinner]
In American schools, students start the day by saying this
The Pledge of Allegiance
This is a song about a big fish that lives in the ocean, and the fish's family.
Baby shark song
Also called "Turkey Day," this holiday gives thanks for autumn harvest and celebrates friendship between cultures.
This statue is 93 meters high and is on an island in New York City.
Statue of Liberty
This popular American burger restaurant is home to McMuffin
During this short class, students can rest or go out to play.
This place is built from over a milion bricks that you can use to make people, places, or things
Legoland (Lego center)
At Christmas time, people set up a ____ and decorate it with lights and ornaments.
The Hollywood sign is in this city
Los Angeles
This is a party where each guest brings a dish to share.
When a teacher is sick and can't come to school, this special teacher takes their place.
Substitute teacher (sub)
Founded in 1610, this is the oldest capitol city in the United States.
Santa Fe, New Mexico
People set off fireworks on this holiday
July Fourth or New Years Eve
This is the USA national flower, and it has been in America for 40 million years.
This stick snack has its own holiday in November.
Pocky / Pepero
The place where students go when there's trouble and they need help
Principal's office
In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed in this American city.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
On this holiday, people dress up in costumes and get candy (treats)
In Native American legends, this bird makes thunder by flapping its wings, and it makes lightning by flashing its eyes.