God's sign to Noah and his sons that he would never again destroy the earth with a flood.
What was a rainbow.
I hung on the cross and rose again
Who is Jesus?
This many Commandments were given to Moses
What is 10?
Place where Adam and Eve lived before getting driven out by God.
What is the Garden of Eden.
This many spies were sent ahead to spy on the Promised Land.
What was 12.
The Israelites escaped by crossing this.
What is the Red Sea.
I was the mother of Jesus
Who was Mary?
Number of years Israelites wandered in the desert.
What is 40 years.
Place where Jesus was born.
What is Bethlehem?
He was thrown in a lion's den
Who is Daniel?
Name of Abraham and Sarah's first son.
Who was Isaac.
She was Adam's wife.
Who is Eve.
This many lepers returned to Jesus to thank him for their healing.
What is 1?
The place where Pharoah held the Israelites captive and all the plagues happened.
What was Egypt.
This was how many disciples Jesus chose
Name the tower that was built so the people could reach Heaven.
What was the Tower of Babel.
He was swallowed by a great fish.
In the day of Noah and the flood it rained this many days and nights.
40 days and 40 nights
Place that Mary and Joseph found Jesus when he had been lost from them for 3 days.
What is the temple or synoguogue.
This Israelite baby was placed in a basket in the river to save him from being killed.
It took this many days for God to create the world.
What was 6 days and on the 7th day he rested and blessed it.
He led the children of Israel out of Egypt.
Who is Moses.
Daniel prayed this many times a day
What is 3?
Place where Jesus walked on water
What is the Sea of Galilee?
He betrayed Jesus on the last night
Who was Judas?