Social Media
Tylenol OD
Trauma Nursing
What are the 3 types of boundaries
physical contract personal space
Where can you find outlined guidelines for social media for Nurses?
What is The CARNA website
One of the most common causes of drug overdoses worldwide
What is acetaminophen
TICP is the acronym for..
Trauma Informed Care and Practice
the most important consideration for discharging patients with suspected domestic abuse
What is Safety
What are the common causes of blurred boundaries?
What is transference and counter-transference
Are there any differences in social media issues with nursing, rural vs urban settings?
There is some argument that in a urban center patients are more difficult to identify due to the large volume of persons seen by health care. However due to the large scope of social media, there is no distinction between rural and urban, and nurses in either setting ought to be diligent in maintaining patient privacy.
The four stages of Tylenol OD are
1.Preclinical toxic effects 2.Hepatic injury 3.Hepatic failure 4.Recovery
Patients showing signs and symptoms may exhibit the following
-Irritability -Red face -Pacing -Clenching -Increased Demands -Twisting of the hands -Frowning -Increased/rate volume of speech -Change in behaviour
The ratio of borderline personality disorder diagnosed in women vs. men
What is 3:1
How might physical boundaries in a nurse-patient relationship differ rural vs urban?
It may be more difficult to breach this boundary and conduct the nurse-patient interaction outside the set space, if the patient must travel in from out of town to an urban center. However if the mental health clinic is rural and both the nurse and patient live in close proximity, this may lead to boundary breach
Name 3/11 of the social media guidelines as per CARNA
1. Recognize responsibility to maintain privacy and confidentiality 2. Don’t release information that will embarrass patients 3. Don’t post patient-related information 4. Don’t release information that could identify patients 5. Don’t mention patients in a disrespecting manner 6. Do not take photos/videos of patients, unless approved previously 7. Maintain professional boundaries at all times 8. Consult healthcare employer policies 9. Report breaches of boundaries, confidentiality or privacy 10. Know policies regarding electronic use. 11. Don’t post disrespectful remarks about co-workers or other staff
The patients in this stage of tylenol OD, have a mortality rate of 20-40%
What is the third stage, hepatic failure
This type of nursing involves care that is focussed on the past experiences of the patient’s (violence, trauma) and taking into account the role it plays in their everyday lives.
What is trauma informed care and practice (TICP)
A challenge for interdisciplinary team collaboration for Myrna in rural community
What is - availability - coordination of scheduling
What are the four common goals for therapeutic relationships?
1. Facilitate expression of thoughts and feelings 2. Assist the patient in developing insight and awareness 3. Assist the patient in identifying positive and negative coping strategies 4. Promote patient independence
What would you do in the case of the student nurse in the exemplar when Myrna requested to 'facebook friend' the nurse?
When a client requests that a registered nurse be an online friend, the nurse must carefully examine the situation, the therapeutic client-nurse relationship, the vulnerability of the client and the implications of the request for the nurse and the client. A number of potential problems can arise, such as inappropriate self-disclosure, client dependence on the nurse, the nurse meeting their own needs through the client and compromising patient privacy and confidentiality.
This drug is used to treat acetaminophen overdose
What is Acetylcysteine
Nursing diagnosis for patients who have experienced trauma (such as Myrna) may include the following.
Maladaptive coping strategies, stress, easily overwhelmed, at risk for violence (to self or others)
An example of commonly used cognitive function assessment
What is - Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) - St. Louis University Mental Status Examination (SLUMS) - Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination (CCSE) - Alzheimer’s Disease Rating Scale (ADRS) - Memory and Behavior Problem Checklist - Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FAST) - Global Deterioration Scale (GDS)
Describe the difference between a social relationship and a therapeutic relationship?
- Relationship: an interpersonal process between two or more persons - Social relationship: interaction for the purpose of friendship, socialization, enjoyment, or through common goals. - Therapeutic relationship: medical staff use their communication skills and understanding of psychological and and physiological aspects, to enhance the patient's health status
What are some of the negative consequences when social media guidelines are not adhered to by nursing staff?
Failure of nurses to abide by the above outlined standards of use for social media can lead to serious legal consequences Nurses can be reprimanded by their legislative bodies (such as CARNA), which can lead to removal of registration (RN status) and legal action (fines, etc).
An elevated serum concentration level, indicative of acetaminophen poisoning/overdose, is first detectable during this stage of acetaminophen OD
What is stage 2, hepatic injury
Which two classes of pharmacological interventions are most often prescribed for post-trauma patients
What are antianxiolytics, and antipsychotics
3 criteria for discharge or transfer to lower level of care
What is - sufficient life skills - stable environment; sufficient support - mentally and medically stable - able to follow treatment appointments - able to manage ADL