All hail the kings of the Gods! If you’re wondering where to find them, following the lightning.
Zeus and Jupiter
We appear at a crossroads here, this is the Greek goddess of night and magic. The Romans called her Trivia, hey! That’s what we’re doing here!
Gory Manleaf, the wicked sorceress.
Morgan Lefay
The Ouroboros can’t get enough of this scaly snack.
In 1994’s Stargate, Dr. Daniel Jackson is shocked to learn that this God is in fact an alien.
Lords of the Underworld, gods of death, and husbands of Persephone and Proserpina respectively.
Hades and Pluto
The etymology of this Hindu Goddess is “she who is the ruler of time,” or “the dark one”.
Dobly Moray, the deadly phantom.
Bloody Mary
Manna from heaven (shooby dooby), it’s the this of angels and tastes like honey. From Exodus.
The Battlestar Galactica is the flagship of this colonial world.
“Amor Vincit Omnia”, is the creed of these winged Gods of love, husbands to Psyche.
Eros and Cupid
And I thought dalmations had a lot of kids! In Tahitian mythology Taonoui is the mother of these.
Lola Orlan, the weeping woman.
La Llorona
A Romani legend warns that leaving one of these outside on the night of a full moon will turn it into a vampire.
Pumpkin (or melon)
In 2021 Dev Patel faced off against this 14th century being in the movie of the same name.
The Green Knight
Goddesses of wisdom and warfare, if your name was Arachne you’d have eight reasons to dislike them.
Athena and Minerva
These creatures straddle the chests of their sleeping victims, “riding” their victim like a horse, and are responsible for a bad night’s sleep.
Nightmare (or Night hag)
Gray Gilds, the great ash tree.
In Chinese Mythology, eating one of “These of Immortality” will make you immortal. Now that’s a hell of a fruit.
Xena: Warrior Princess was trialed as a spinoff for this series.
Personifications of the moon itself, one is a Titan and sister of Helios, the other a goddess and sister to Sol.
Selene (or Mene) and Luna
This Slavic figure is the personification of Dawn, and can appear alone, or as two or even three sisters.
Assault Can, the creature from the Arctic.
Santa Claus
These Three Sisters are crops in Central and Northern America. They are sometimes personified as three girls, the first short and dressed in green, the second dressed in yellow or orange, and the third tall in pale green with yellow hair.
Squash, Maize/Corn, Beans
In the 2010 Canadian fantasy drama series Lost Girl ‘Bo’ discovers she is one of these during her first sexual encounter.