Harold Potter
Classic Mythology
Star Lord
Hero's Journey

This creature turns into whatever the person facing it fears the most (ex: Snape, for Neville).

What is a boggart?


This Greek god of water harbors a massive grudge against Odysseus, who blinded his son the cyclops.

Who is Poseidon?


In one of the most well-know origins, this non-powered superhero became an orphan when he lost his parents to violence, setting him on his course to fight crime.

Who is Batman?


Bilbo finds this item in Gollum's cave during The Hobbit, which in turn sets off the entire plot of the massive sequel, The Lord of the Rings?

What is the One Ring?


Luke is exemplifying this Hero's Journey stage when he initially tells Obi-Wan that he can't go with him to rescue the princess.

What is Refusal of the Call?


Hermione uses one of these magical devices to get to all of her classes during her 3rd year - and then uses it to help Harry save Sirius and Buckbeak.

What is a Time-Turner?


Slaying the Lion of Nemea, killing the Erymanthian boar, and cleaning the Augean stables are 3 of these.

What are the 12 Labors of Hercules?


Superman's debut in the pages of this comic launched the Golden Age of Comics.

What is Action Comics?


The five races represented by the Fellowship of the Ring are elves, men, wizards, hobbits, and this short, beared, cave-dwelling group.

What are dwarves?


Harry "crosses the 1st threshold" in Sorcerer's Stone when he goes shopping on this street, fully entering the Wizarding World for the first time.

What is Diagon Alley?


This loveable half-giant delivers Harry to the Dursleys as a baby, then takes him away from them on his 11th birthday.

Who is Hagrid?


She takes out her anger on Hercules because he's the son of her husband and another woman.

Who is Hera?


After a whole movie of trying to get back to Asgard to prevent this Norse apocalypse, Thor actually ends up purposefully causing it.

What is Ragnarok?

This princess tries to prevent the Empire from destroying her home world of Alderaan, but they go and blow it up anyway.

Who is Princess Leia?


When a hero achieves balance between their life before and after the adventure, this is what they have become.

What is Master of Two Worlds?


This pet rat of Ron's also happens to be a mass-murderer & betrayer of Harry's parents.

Who is Peter Pettigrew?


You'd think it was a multi-headed swamp monster, as in the original myth, but in 2014's Hercules it turned out to just be a bunch of men wearing masks.

What is the Hydra?


This superhero team gained their extraordinary powers because of a scientific mishap - but they don't wear masks or hide their identities.

Who are the Fantastic Four?


He is crowned King of Gondor after the War of the Ring.

Who is Aragorn?


He developed the 17 stages of the Hero's Journey.

Who is Joseph Campbell?


The Marauder's Map is given to Harry by this duo.

Who are the Weasley twins?


Goddess of the Harvest Demeter mourns for six months every year when her daughter - this goddess - has to live in (and with Hades); that explains winter.

Who is Persephone?


Loki's allegiances change constantly throughout Thor: Ragnarok - making him a perfect example of this archetype.

What is a shapeshifter?


He is the author of The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings.

Who is J.R.R. Tolkien?

Obi-Wan becomes "more powerful than [Vader] can possibly imagine" after he is killed - an event representative of this transcendent Hero's Journey stage.

What is apotheosis?
