Greek Mythology
Norse Mythology
Egyptian Mythology
Chinese Mythology
Heroes or Monsters in Either Mythologies

How did Zeus come to power in Olympus?

Zeus came to power in Olympus by overthrowing his father, Cronus, in a dramatic sequence of events. Cronus, fearing a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him, swallowed each of them at birth. However, his wife Rhea saved their youngest, Zeus, by tricking Cronus with a swaddled stone. Zeus was raised in secret and, upon reaching adulthood, forced Cronus to regurgitate his siblings. United with his freed siblings, Zeus led a ten-year war against Cronus and the Titans, known as the Titanomachy. With the aid of powerful allies, such as the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, Zeus defeated the Titans, banished them to Tartarus, and established himself as the ruler of Olympus.


Who was the god of thunder who wields the hammer, Mjölnir?

Who was Thor?


What role does the goddess Ma'at play in the Egyptian afterlife, and how does her feather determine the fate of a soul during the weighing of the heart ceremony?

She’s the goddess of truth whose feather is weighed against the heart of the deceased to determine their fate in the afterlife.


Who is the Jade Emperor?

This powerful figure is known as the ruler of Heaven in Chinese mythology and is often depicted sitting on a throne surrounded by gods and immortals.


Who is Heracles (Hercules)?

This Greek hero is known for completing the Twelve Labors, including slaying the Nemean Lion and capturing the Golden Hind of Artemis.


Which goddess had tortured Zeus's lovers, and their children, out of jealousy and hatred?

Who was Hera, the Goddess of marriage, family, childbirth, and women?


In Norse mythology, what is the name of Thor's hammer, and what special ability does it have?

The hammer's name was, Mjölnir, and it has the special ability to always return to Thor's hand after being thrown.


In Egyptian mythology, who is considered the god of wisdom and writing, often depicted as an ibis-headed deity, and what significant role did he play in the judgment of the dead?

The god of wisdom and writing is Thoth, depicted as ibis-headed. In the judgment of the dead, he recorded the results of the Weighing of the Heart, determining if souls could enter the afterlife.


What is the Nian?

This mythical creature, often associated with Chinese New Year, is known for its power to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.


Who is Gong Gong?

The ancient Chinese hero, also a semi-divine figure, who is famous for felling the giant mountain that blocked the flow of the river, saving his people.


How was the Goddess, Athena, born?

Athena, the daughter of Zeus, was produced without a mother and emerged full-grown from his forehead. An alternative story was that Zeus swallowed Metis, the goddess of counsel, while she was pregnant with Athena so that Athena finally emerged from Zeus.


In Norse mythology, Ragnarök is the prophesied end of the world, involving a great battle between the gods and their enemies. One pivotal event during Ragnarök is the death of Odin at the hands of a powerful wolf, what is the name of the wolf who killed Odin?

Who was Fenrir?


In Egyptian mythology, the god Osiris is considered the ruler of the underworld. After his death, his body was scattered across Egypt by his brother Set. Who reassembled Osiris's body and performed the rituals that allowed him to become the god of the afterlife, and what was the significance of this act?

The goddess Isis reassembled Osiris's body and revived him using magic, allowing him to become the god of the afterlife. This act symbolized resurrection and eternal life in Egyptian mythology.


Who is Chang'e?

This ancient Chinese deity is often portrayed as the goddess of the moon, associated with immortality and often depicted with a rabbit.


Who is Arjuna?

The Indian hero from the Mahabharata is renowned for his skills in archery and was a key figure in the Kurukshetra War.


Who was the God who had an crush on Apollo's lover, and had killed that lover by deliberately blowing a discus into Apollo's lover's path, which caused them to die?

Who is Zephyrus, the God of the West Wind?


Who was the trickster god who fathered the wolf Fenrir and the world serpent Jörmungandr?

Who was Loki, the God of mischief, trickery, and deception?


The sun god Ra was one of the most important deities in ancient Egyptian mythology. What was the significance of Ra's daily journey through the sky and the underworld, and how did it relate to the concepts of creation and rebirth?

Ra’s journey across the sky in his solar boat represented the cycle of creation, as he brought light and life to the world. At night, Ra traveled through the underworld, Duat, where he fought off the serpent Apophis to be reborn each morning. This cycle symbolized death, rebirth, and the ongoing renewal of life, ensuring cosmic order and the continuation of the world.


What is the Vermilion Bird (Zhuque)?

This mythical creature, often depicted as a giant bird with a human head, is said to be able to control the wind and is a key figure in the tale of the Fengshen Yanyi.


Who is Zmey Gorynych?

The Slavic dragon, who is known known for its many heads, is said to terrorize villages, demanding sacrifices before it was defeated by the hero Dobrynya Nikitich.


Who was an primordial deity, representing the personification of daylight and the sun's pure light, is sometimes confused with Helios and Apollo?

Who is the God of the Sky, Aether?


What enigmatic being, described as 'the very first in the world,' is mentioned in Völuspá as one who remembers the creation of the cosmos and the fate of the gods?

Who is Mímir?


n Egyptian mythology, Set and Horus are central figures in a long-standing rivalry. Set, who killed Osiris and usurped his throne, is opposed by Horus, Osiris’s son, who seeks to avenge his father and claim the throne. Their conflict involves a series of trials and challenges. What were the main events of the conflict between Set and Horus, and how was it resolved?

The conflict between Set and Horus is rooted in Set's murder of Osiris and his attempt to take the throne of Egypt. Horus, Osiris's son, challenges Set for the throne, leading to a series of contests, including a boat race and a series of trials. Eventually, Horus is declared the rightful ruler by the gods, symbolizing the restoration of order and justice. Set’s defeat represents the triumph of law and order over chaos and disorder, reflecting the Egyptians' belief in the importance of balance in the world and in the afterlife.


Who is Hou Yi?

This mythical archer is famous for shooting down nine of the ten suns in the sky to save the Earth from burning, with his legendary bow and arrows.


Who is Gilgamesh?

The epic hero, known for his journey to the underworld and quest for immortality, is the protagonist of one of the oldest surviving works of literature from Sumerian mythology.
