What does the term "mythos" mean?
Word or Story
Who was the originator in Inuit Creation?
The Raven
Who was the baby that Rhea hid from Cronus?
What does the Minotaur and Labryinth symbolize?
Revenge and Prison
What are the FOUR types of myths?
Creation Myths
Myths of Gods and Goddesses
Trickster Myths
Myths of Death, the Underworld and Resurrection
The Minotaur is half-_____ and half-_______?
Half-bull and half-human
What is the definition of symbolism?
A person, situation, word, or object is used to represent another thing.
True or False: Stories never change through oral story-telling.
Stories grew and changed, borrowing details and events from other stories as they travelled over time and place
Which two myths demonstrate a relationship between humans and plants?
Norse and Inuit
Who trapped Icarus and Daedalus in a tower?
King Minos
What do the wings symbolize in Icarus and Daedalus?
What are THREE purposes of a myth?
To explain things
To teach lessons or values
To unify a group or define a group's identity
To explain social or religious rituals
To entertain
The tears of Atum.
How many days does it take for the Phoenix to resurrect?
Three days
What two symbols are used to symbolize limitations in Icarus and Daedalus?
The sun and water
What is the difference between a myth and a legend.
A legend is considered to be a part of history, but with no actual proof of existence.
A myth is about the early history of a people or explaining something, and usually has supernatural beings or events.
What are the FIVE creation myths we studied?
The Making of Gods and People
What did King Minos betray in the Minotaur myth?
What does the colour purple symbolize in the Phoenix myth?