Diagnostic Testing
Patient Teaching

Nursing tool used if pulses are nonpalpable. 

what is a doppler

This diet recommendation should be made for eye health.

What is diet rich in fruit and vegetables (dark leafy greens) (there can be some benefit to omega 3 fatty acids as well). 


This test is used to assess for central vision loss, common with macular degeneration. 

What is Amsler Grid?


How to calculate pack year. 

What is packs per day X # of years smoked?


Capillary refill should be less than ___ seconds

What is 3

Lab test that detects proteins that are released when the heart muscle is damaged due to ischemia.

What is troponin?


This is the recommendation for cholesterol and saturated fat intake per day to prevent heart disease. 

What is reduce intake to 200 mg or less per day?


When testing extraocular movements the nurse has the patient follow a pen through the movements. The nurse notes an involuntary twitching. What is the term?

What is nystagmus?

Patients with congestive heart failure often are awakened in the middle of the night due to extreme dyspnea. This term is used to describe this phenomena. 

What is PND (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)?


When listening to normal S1 and S2 sounds, what part of the stethoscope is used

what is the diaphragm


Noninvasive diagnostic test that provides a "picture" of the structures of the heart. Can be used to diagnose valvular defects that cause heart murmurs. 

What is echocardiogram?


In teaching about hearing loss the nurse should inform the patient that if they are in a high risk occupation they should have their hearing tested every __ years

What is 1 year. Those not exposed to hazardous noise every 3 years


When using an otoscope the nurse anticipates which NORMAL findings with the tympanic membrane for the RIGHT ear? (include color, consistency, and cone of light reflex)

What is gray, shiny and 5 o'clock. The cone of light for left ear would be 7 o'clock.


The anterior-posterior (AP) to transverse ration should be 1:2. If the nurse finds this ratio to be 1:1 what term is used to describe this finding?

What is barrel chest?


Normal findings lymph nodes are nonpalpable; however, if palpable what is normal?

a. size

b. movement

c. pain

a. size < 1cm

b. moveable

c. nontender


This is an invasive diagnostic test that provides a direct visualization of the pharynx, throat, and swallowing and can also go down into the stomach or intestines.

What is endoscopy or fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation?


This is the current recommendation for receiving the pneumonia vaccine.

What is get vaccinated if older than 65 or if older than 18 with a risk factor such as chronic lung disease?

The nurse notes JVD on physical exam. What does this indicate?

What is fluid volume excess (hypervolemia)?


What are the normal sounds over the lung fields?

What is vesicular?


When auscultating heart sounds the nurse hears an extra, S3 gallop. Making the sound ken-tuck-ee, instead of lub-dub. The nurse would worry the patient may be experiencing what?

What is heart failure (excess fluid volume)?


A thoracentesis is used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The therapeutic purpose is A_________ and the diagnostic purpose is B __________. 

What is A removes excess fluid from pleural space/relieving pressure from lungs? and B what is testing pleural fluid for infection, cancer, etc.)?

State (5) specific guidelines should be followed with regards to oral hygiene. (there are many more than five)

1. dental exam twice a year 1. Brush tooth surfaces for 90 seconds 2. Brush at least twice a day 3. Use soft bristled toothbrush 4. Place toothbrush at 45 degree angle to gums 5. Floss every day (preferably more often) 6. Brush tongue to remove bacteria 7. Avoid tobacco and alcohol 8. Maintain adequate hydration 8. Use water based moisturizers to protect lips

After Snellen screening the nurse notes the patient's vision is 20/10. This is interpreted as?

What is the patient can see at 20 feet what the average eye sees at 10 feet. (this is very good!)


This adventitious sound is caused by two inflamed pleural layers rubbing together. 

What is pleural friction rub?


The patient has aortic stenosis, resulting in a murmur. This will likely be auscultated in what area?

2nd intercostal space, right sternal border? (2RSB). 


This test is part of the lipid profile and is expressed as "good" cholesterol. 

What is HDL (high density lipoproteins)?


When teaching an elderly patient with coronary artery disease (heart disease) the nurse should mention this specific change of aging. 

What is chest pain may be absent with ischemia/infarction?


This assessment should be done if the thyroid feels enlarged. 

What is auscultate for bruits?


When palpating for tactile fremitus the nurse notes increased vibrations. This abnormal finding is consistent with what?

What is consolidation?

(it would be decreased with air trapping)


The patient with congestive heart failure has 3+ pitting edema. The nurse knows this will appear as what?

What is 6 mm depression lasting more than a minute. 

This exam/test is used in order to screen for the type of vision loss experienced with glaucoma. 

What is confrontation test?


When teaching a patient regarding arterial blood gas. The nurse explains the purpose of the Allens test prior to the blood draw as this. 

What is to ensure there is adequate arterial circulation both radial and ulnar. 


Tonsils that are touching the uvula, but NOT each other are graded as:

What is 3+?


A patient who has had chest trauma due to a car accident as a trachea deviated to the right. What will the nurse worry has occurred? 

What is left sided tension pneumothorax?


The patient has suspected arterial insufficiency. What are the abnormal findings?

a. temperature b. pulse c. color d. pain 

a. cool/cold

b. pulse absent or thready

c. color pale/pallor

d. pain with elevation/relieved by dependency. also worsened by activity such as walking (intermittent claudication). 
