Home Group Service
Area Service Committee
Subcommittee Service
Regional Committee
General Service Odds and Ends!

True or False:

A member has to be a group officer (trusted servant) to do service at the home group level.


There is no required clean time to complete many tasks that keep the group alive: 

Pick someone up for a meeting, make coffee, set up/clean up, take the trash out, etc.

This Area trusted servant position requires at least 2 years of clean time due to the responsibility of handling and facilitating the use of Area funds.

What is the Treasurer?


How many subcommittees does the Northwestern Michigan Area currently have?


Public Relations

Retreat (NWACNA)




The acronym RCM is used for for these members that make up the core of the Regional Service Committee. 

What is Regional Committee Member?


This member in Narcotics Anonymous is the most important and in need of support. They are often labeled as "the most important person in the room".

What is the Newcomer?


This home group trusted servant is responsible for opening, setting up and facilitating the meeting.

What is the Chairperson?


These are the notes taken by the Area secretary each month to document all discussion and decisions made at the Area Service Committee.

What are minutes?


This subcommittee is responsible for facilitating meetings in treatment centers and other institutions, mans the phoneline, keeps our website and meeting list up to date and has the primary purpose of reaching the still sick and suffering addicts in the community in many different ways.

What is Public Relations?


The Regional Service Committee is responsible for facilitating this annual Narcotics Anonymous convention in Michigan.

What is MRCNA?


True of False:

Home Groups and NA service bodies can accept donations from the community and people who are not addicts.


Narcotics Anonymous is fully self supporting, declining all outside contributions. 


A home groups GSR is the contact point between the group and this service body.

What is the Area Service Committee?


True or False:

In the Northwestern Michigan Area trusted servants at the Area level must be elected through anonymous voting and participate in a specific procedure which includes them stating their qualifications and answering any questions posed by the existing Area body members.



This subcommittee is responsible to having books, IP's, medallions and clean time key tags available for purchase by local home groups.

What is the Literature subcommittee?


The Regional Committee is the contact point between these two service structures.

What is Local Services and World Services? 


Our literature says that this is the primary purpose of members in Narcotics Anonymous.

What is "to carry the message to the addict who still suffers"?


True or False:

A home group only needs one member to complete all service tasks.


Our NA program is run for addicts, BY ADDICTS. It takes many hands to make light work of all that needs to be done.


This trusted servant is responsible for conducting the Area Service Committee meeting and ensuring the group is making decisions using the consensus based decision making procedures.

What is the Facilitator?


This acronym is used to shorten the official name of the Retreat Subcommittees annual camp out held each summer in the Northwestern Area.

What is NWACNA?


True of False:

The Regional Service Committee is a body that coordinates service forums throughout the region.



These service bodies are at the very top of our inverted triangle of the NA service structure and are the most important in carrying the message of recovery in Narcotics Anonymous.

What are the Groups?


This is the business meeting where a group makes decisions, facilitates meeting business and consists of some trusted servants and anyone who attends the groups meetings regularly.

What is Group Conscience?


these Area members hold the most power in decision making at the Area level based on the conscious based decision making procedures.

Who are the GSR's.


This subcommittee is responsible for fostering fun in recovery, promotes unity and helps members build connections with others in the fellowship through events like dances, game nights, and many other social events. 

What is the Activities subcommittee?


True or False:

Only Regional Service Committee members are allowed to attend the Regional Service Committee meeting.


ANY member of Narcotics Anonymous who is curious about what Region does or wants to get involved is welcome to attend!


True or False:

In relation to our NA service structure which is an inverted triangle: money flows down and services flow up


Money from groups flows down through Area, Region and onto World. World, Region and Area provide groups with services like literature, conventions, fellowship development, meeting schedules, etc.
