NA Basics
Other Class

Name 3 of the 5 values of our Community Commitments




foster TRUST



What time does the school day officially begin?



T/F: You should be sure to verbally thank the kitchen staff and facilities folks for their hard work.



What is NA's motto?

ad lumen, implies the mission of the school: toward enlightenment. Since 1774 this motto has illustrated our belief that education is a shared process of inquiry, a process in which students strive to expand the horizons of their minds through dialogue with teachers, peers, and our community as a whole. 

A Newark Academy graduate, therefore, not only has a significant grounding in content knowledge but also an understanding of the value of dialogue.


T/F: You can never change courses during the school year.

FALSE: Students are allowed to drop or add courses only during the first two seven-day cycles of each semester. Courses dropped after these deadlines will be recorded on the transcript as ‘W’ (Withdrawal). The time limit for dropping a sixth academic course, however, may be extended with the permission of the Upper School Principal. No student may withdraw from a course in the last two cycles of a semester.


Who is the Director of DEIB?

Mr. Russell Marsh


Where must you go if you are late or leaving early?

Students who arrive late to school must sign in at the Upper School Office in order to attend classes. A parental email, phone call or note is required for all late arrivals.

Students who are leaving early must sign out in these same locations and have parental permission via email, phone call or note.

Any student who arrives at school late and fails to sign in will receive a detention.


Where can your Bookbags and Belongings be?

Students must carry their backpacks and belongings with them or store them in their lockers. It is advised to bring only absolutely necessary items to school and to have the lightest possible backpack. Bookbags and possessions may not be left in any public location unless it has been expressly designated for that purpose, typically for a brief period of time. Students who leave their belongings in inappropriate public spaces without extenuating circumstances will receive a warning the first time and a detention any subsequent times.


What does it mean to be "academically" engaged as a responsible student?

The aim of many schools is academic engagement. This means being a responsible student—e.g. doing homework, participating in class, preparing for assessments—and, therefore, seeking to do well in school

What amount of time is allotted for homework per seven-day cycle?

For Upper School students, the total amount of work outside of class in a single course—including homework, study time, sustained essay/ project work, etc.—should amount to 3-4 hours per seven-day cycle in the Upper School. It should also be reasonably apportioned across each cycle.


What events occur between 2:45-3:30pm each day?

For Upper School students, the time between 2:45 and 3:30 p.m. (when athletic practices and Arts Department rehearsals begin and buses depart) is reserved for office hours with teachers, certain curricular offerings, formal and informal club meetings, and tutoring or group study meetings.


If you see a piece of trash on the floor, what will you do?

Pick it up and toss it in the proper garbage/recycling receptable


What does it mean to be "intellectually" engaged?

his means thinking critically, open-mindedly and genuinely about material presented. Those who are intellectually engaged use class time and assignments to probe and question for the sake of understanding. When engaged in such a substantive manner, students adopt a personal stake in a problem at hand. As a result, there is a concern for the quality, not just the completion, of one’s work. Ultimately, there is a concern for the broader implications and applications of one’s educational pursuits, as well as a life propelled by learning as an intrinsic value.


What percentage is reduced for late assessments?

The grade for late assessments will be reduced by 5% per class meeting.


T/F: Attaching a badge to a backpack or putting it in a pocket is an option if necessary.

FALSE - Attaching a badge to a backpack or putting it in a pocket is NOT an option.

Students must wear their school-issued Identification badges visibly on their person, using the lanyards provided.


What is a good use of time during your "free" time?

Students are encouraged to meet with their teachers on an individual basis. Conferences may be scheduled, at the student’s or teacher’s initiative, for a variety of purposes: to discuss topics of interest, to ask questions, to obtain extra help, or to discuss homework or assessment performance. If they do not have common free periods during the day, Upper School students can meet with their teachers during lunch, the Black Day Flex block from 10:35-11:30, the Red Day afternoon Flex/Office Hours block from 1:05-1:35, or the after-school Activity Period from 2:45- 3:30


What is NA's thoughts on "Extra Credit"?

While Newark Academy values extra learning, we regard extra credit as problematic. This is because its explicit goal—to improve academic standing, independent of learning—does not align with our intellectual values. While a teacher may choose to give an extra credit problem to the entire class for minimal credit once in a while at the end of a test, extra credit work may not be offered to individual students or a class as a whole to improve their general standing in a course. That is the role of the regular assessments. 


What is the 55% Good Faith Rule?

Because the “F” range is disproportionately larger than other grade ranges (see below), it can be difficult to recover from a very poor performance. Therefore, when a student makes a “good faith” effort on a major assessment, the lowest grade that is recorded is a 55%. Here the student's best interests are kept in mind by avoiding overly harsh penalties for one poor assessment, and promoting a growth mindset when a student works hard yet still struggles. When a teacher determines that a student has not made a good faith effort, the student’s earned grade will stand as is and be recorded as such in the grade book.


Describe the college preparatory program that NA offers.

Newark Academy offers a college preparatory program in the liberal arts. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves in all academic disciplines for as long as possible. They are also encouraged to find and pursue their passions. Ultimately, our goal is to develop in our students lifelong passions, including for learning itself.


What is the 20% rule?

The 20% Rule

A student who misses more than 20% of the class days in a course for any reason in any single semester will receive a grade of “No Credit” for the semester in question. Missed classes include school absence, class absence, elective absence (both excused and unexcused absences), and absences for school-related trips or activities.   


Name as many of the Graduation Requirements as you can.

  • 4 years of English (core courses)

  • 3 years of Mathematics (sequential courses)

  • 3 year-long Science courses (two of which must be Biology, Chemistry, or Physics)

  • 3 years of Humanities (grade 9-11 sequence)

  • Successful completion of level 3 in French, Mandarin, or Spanish (or demonstrated equivalent proficiency if language study is completed in an approved off-campus study program)

  • 1 year of full-time Art

  • 4 years of Health Education

  • Successful completion of the following: one Immersion Experience; three June Terms (one may be used to satisfy the Immersion requirement; for juniors, the IB Extended Essay may be used to satisfy one June Term requirement); required  Community Service; and a Senior Project
