Vocab 1
Vocab 2
Literary Elements
Creation Myths
Trickster Tales
To compete or go against.
What is contend.
Without a fixed home; wandering.
What is nomadic.
When a text uses human-like characteristics to describe something not human (animal, object, idea, etc.) it is known as _____________.
What is a personification.
Which two stories are considered creation myths? Name both of them.
What is "World on Turtle's Back" and "Way to Rainy Mountain".
Which two stories are considered trickster tales? Name them both.
What is "Coyote and Buffalo" and "Fox Coyote & Whale".
Replace the underlined phrase with a synonymous vocabulary term: Having stayed up all night writing his paper, he finally gave in to sleep.
What is succumb.
Replace the underlined phrase, with a synonymous vocabulary term: Despite her tears, her coach's criticism of her race performance was not letting up or ceasing whatsoever.
What is unrelenting.
Name the difference between a simile and a metaphor.
What is a simile uses like or as to compare two things while a metaphor does not.
Name at least two qualities of a creation myth.
I will accept: 1. Describes how something comes to be or is created 2. Oftentimes deals with supernatural beings or happenings 3. Passed down by generations through spoken word
What specific quality makes trickster tales so extraordinary and surreal?
What is the use of magic.
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term: "Above the ocean was a great _______ of air. And in the air there lived the birds of the sea" (Iroquois 25).
What is void.
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term: "The windows are black and _________; you imagine there is nothing within, and indeed there are many ghosts" (Momaday 61).
What is opaque.
Determine what literary element is being used in the following sentence: As she rushed out the door, she tripped over the threshold and scattered her books everywhere, proving just how clumsy she is.
What is direct characterization.
What was the name of Scott Momaday's grandmother's tribe in "Way to Rainy Mountain"?
What is the Kiowa tribe.
Name all of the characters in "Coyote and Buffalo" and identify which ones are tricksters.
1. Coyote (trickster) 2. Buffalo Bull 3. Old Woman (trickster) 4. Calf Bonus: Young Bull
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term: "He always lied, and he always did things backward...He was the __________ one" (Iroquois 28).
What is devious.
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term: "There are green belts along the rivers and creeks, _______ groves of hickory and pecan, willow and witch hazel" (Momaday 56).
What is linear.
Define symbolism and provide an example from one of the four stories. Be sure to explain yourself well.
A symbol is something that represents something else, usually a tangible (physical) thing representing something abstract and/or figurative (ex. idea). Answers will vary for the symbolism examples.
How did the woman in "World on Turtle's Back" become pregnant, which eventually allowed for the twins (Left and Right, Good and Evil) to be born?
A strangle God-like man came along and placed two arrows over her sleeping body, and magically, she became pregnant.
In "Fox Coyote & Whale" what types of creatures do Fox and Coyote masquerade as in order to get into the Whale's lair undetected?
What is water maidens.
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term: "To keep the earth growing, the woman walked as the sun goes, moving in the direction that the people still move in the dance ___________" (Iroquois 26).
What is rituals.
Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary term: "Their wives and daughters served them well. The women might indulge themselves; gossip was at once the mark and compensation of their _________" (Momaday 61).
What is servitude.
In your own words, define the term direction characterization. Then, provide an example sentence.
Indirection characterization is when the author reveals information about characters and their personalities through their words, thoughts, or actions, along with how others respond to those characters, including what they think and say. Example sentences will vary.
While "Rainy Mountain" is a personal narrative, it also acts as a creation myth. What specifically was created in this story; why is it considered a creation myth?
The creation story of Devil's Tower is what makes "Rainy Mountain" a creation myth.
What are at least two lessons/outcomes/reasons that can be taken from Mourning Dove's "Fox Coyote & Whale"? Why did this story matter?
Possible answers: 1. How rapids came to be 2. Why land and sea creatures can no longer intermingle 3. Why the whale was no longer allowed in the river but banished to the sea