what is the color of the square root of 5
Finish the lyric: IM a barbie
where do slaves live
In the cotton fields
what sneaker is size 34
the nick pelc sneaker
who dances
nick pelc
why does my teacher like like like geometry
because shes a teacher
what is in cat in the hats car
little kids
who is a slave
christain vinas
who cant breath
what game are we playing
What colore is blue
none of the above
what is the definition of exercising
nick pelc works at cvs
how is a slave allowed
christain vinas made this law
what color is black
what color is christain vinas
white because he made slavery
what is 5 plus 2
what color is the laptop
orange-bluish green
what do slaves do
dance dance dance with my hands hands hands
who is jamal
cheese is cute
How many skins are there in minecraft
what is 89 plus 3
Jackie vinas
name a slave
Christain Vinas
what job does mark lipp have
favorite cheese
black cheese