What are the language levels of ELLs?
Level 1, 2,3, 4, 5 and 6
What do the letters HLS mean?
Home Language Survey
What governing body covers the major areas of concern with respect to compliance of Title VI?
The memorandum delineates school districts' responsibilities under civil rights law to provide an equal educational opportunity to national origin minority group students whose English language proficiency is limited.
Office of Civil Rights
Title VI of the civil rights act of 1964
How are services reported to the state?
What is an LTEL?
A long term English learner ( 5 years in program without reaching fluency)
What level do ELLs exit in Indiana?
Level 5
What is Indiana's procedure for entrance and exit for ELLs?
Administer the HLS, WIDA screener and then exit with a 5.0
Which law states this regarding instruction, "If English is the mainstream language of instruction, then measures must be taken to ensure that instruction is adapted to address those children's linguistic characteristics."?
Lau v. Nichols
If English is the mainstream language of instruction, then measures must be taken to ensure that instruction is adapted to address those children's linguistic characteristics
When does a student reach monitoring status?
Once the student exit the program with a 5 they are immediately moved to monitoring status for the following school year (counselors do this at NACS)
What does MLL mean?
Multi-lingual learner
Who completes a HLS?
All students enrolling in an Indiana school for the first time, including foreign exchange and preschool students.
What 3 items should the LEA have in place according to the Castenada v. Pickard case?
1. Sound educational theories
2. Reasonable resources and personnel
3. Regular program evaluation and revision
Can a student OPT out of services?
Yes, but the process must be documented and the student may not skip the WIDA access test
Are we required to inform parents regarding test/screener scores?
YES :)
What is the program of techniques, methodology, and special curriculum designed to teach ELs explicitly about the English language, including the academic vocabulary needed to access content instruction, and to develop their English language proficiency in all four language domains (i.e., speaking, listening, reading, and writing).
ESL programming (our model)
The HLS must be kept in the student’s cumulative folder as part of the permanent record and, in case of transfer, must follow the student to the receiving school.
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Determines that we need entrance and exit procedures
What is the EL Plan?
The EL Plan details the program models, EL teachers or record and service, curriculum used, and additional details regarding EL services in the LEA.
Usually formed when there is an issue with a student not passing and determining if there should be a GCE.
Most principals will move to GCE but it must be discussed with the EL team.
What is the "Dear Colleague Letter" ?
“School districts have an obligation to provide the personnel and resources necessary to effectively implement their chosen EL programs. This obligation includes having highly qualified teachers to provide language assistance services, trained administrators who can evaluate these teachers, and adequate and appropriate materials for the EL programs.”
What 3 allowable questions does the HLS require?
1. What is the native language of the student?
2. What language(s) is spoken most often by the student?
3. What language(s) is spoken by the student in the home?
What is the LM and how is it related to the law?
LM = Language Minority
The LM helps with funding amounts for LEAs and scores for students allows LEAs to be compliant with Lau v. Nichols
What are the names of the grants that fund the EL programming?
NESP and Title III
May a student after exiting the program return to EL programming?
This is highly unusual. We haven't had it happen - yet.
However, the EL committee would be formed to understand why the need is there to support the student.