Andrea lives in this specific area of Barcelona
What is Calle de Aribau
Roman is described having this hair type.
What is curly dark hair?
Juan was described having features like this.
What is a skull?
Angustias (maybe hypocritically) pushes this belief of hers onto those around her.
What is Catholicism?
Gloria is described as having these features (hair, skin)
What is red hair, and pale skin?
*one detail is sufficient
Andrea feels isolated in the home, especially due to this family member’s strict nature.
Who is Angustias?
Román had this job during the war.
What is a spy for the Nationalists?
Juan is trying to provide for his family through this skill.
What is painting?
Angustias is suspected of having romantic affairs with this person
Who is Don Jeronimo?
Andrea is related to the people she's living with through this.
What is her maternal family?
Román plays this particular instrument very well.
What is the violin?
Juan was a member of this party during the war.
Gloria can't help talk about this when talking to people and might struggle from this personality disorder.
Andrea is initially studying this subject at university in Barcelona
What is literature?
Román has these two pets.
What is Trueno the dog and a parrot?
Andrea struggles with this problem monthly when she receives her allowance
What is financial instability?