How must infants be placed in their crib?
On their backs.
What is the infant & toddler ratio?
What is the two's ratio?
What is the preschool ratio? (3 and up)
Educators respond to children's negative emotions by offering ____
Comfort, support, and assistance
Infant routines and schedules are ______
flexible for the needs of the child.
Educators help children learn emotional _____ skills
When should teachers wash their hands?
Before and after serving food, before and after every single diaper change, when entering a classroom and after using the bathroom.
Examples of culturally diverse dramatic and visual art in the learning environment:
V: Painting, drawing, sculpture, photos, mask-making, batik, quilts, basketry, architecture.
D: Acting, (including dress-up), puppetry, musical recital, mime.
What does NAEYC stand for?
National Association for the Education of Young Children
All diaper bins/trash cans have _____ that opens and closes tightly using a hands-free device
a lid
Staff change diapers or training pants when wet or soiled every ____ hours
2hrs, or sooner if needed.
Food-serving tables and highchairs are cleaned and _______ after each use.
Preschoolers are kept in ____ most of the time, with the exception of brief periods (ex: using the toilet) for no more than five minutes
Sight, but can still be heard
Staff never use physical punishment such as ____
Hitting, rough handling, pulling of the arms, shaming, name calling, time-out
Infants/Toddlers must be in direct line of ___ at all times
sight and sound. (if not in the direct line of sight, then by looking up or turning in place)
Educators have arranged their classrooms in a way that protects children’s health and _______.
Educators allow the right amount of time for children to smoothly ______ from one activity to the next.
Lesson plans, supplies and room arrangement should be developmentally _____
When should children wash their hands?
Before and after eating, after coming in from the playground, and after any art or sensory activity.
What should a teacher do while feeding an infant?
Sit with them (table food) or hold them (bottle feeding)
If a child has contaminated a toy, staff place the toy in the ________.
Dirty toy bucket
The class’s learning spaces offer learning experiences related to all these content areas:
literacy; mathematics; science; technology; creative expression and the arts; health and safety; social studies.
2E.2: Educators help children connect print to spoken word. Examples include:
Labels, classroom rules/routines, signs, posted letters, words, or sentences.
Half of your classroom displays need to show _____
Child's art, Graphs, and Writing