Percent of water that the nail contains
15 to 25%
The part of the nail that extends from the nail root to the free edge.
nail plate
Passing score at Buff Beauty vs State.
What is 85% and 75%?
What indicates infection or serious medical problems in the nail?
discoloration or pigmentation
Also known as lateral nail fold
nail sidewall
Bags must be _____ during practical exam
Zipped all the way up and put under work station
Eggshell nails are?
noticeably thin, white nail plates that are more flexible than normal
Whitish Half-moon shape
As a licensed professional you must be able to recognize signs and symptoms of disorders of their guest true or false
Healthy nails are without?
ridges , wavy lines, and free from disease
When nails tend to grow faster
What is summer?
Considered to be an abnormal medical condition which affects the body but may not prevent bodily functions
Hidden under the portion of skin is the?
nail root
Part of the nail plate that extends beyond the fingertip.
free edge
A typical full day includes this many them.
time in,
time out ,
break out,
break in
Pocket that holds the nail root and matrix
Hyponychium is?
the skin that rest between the free edge and fingertip of the natural nail
Also known as natural nails
Brown or black splinters under the nail plate
splinter hemorrhage
This forms the nail grooves
nail folds
Skin that sit between the nail plate and nail bed.
bed epithelium
Excessive skin that overlaps the sides of the nail plate.
Living skin at the base of the nail plate
What color is a healthy nail?
translucent, slightly pink
Slits on the side of the nail that allow growth
nail grooves
How does it take for a new fingernail plate to grow
4 to 6 months
Non-living epidermis
After each section, what indicates that you are ready to continue to move forward
Turning mannequin hand toward the examiner
What extends below the nail root and helps produce the nail?
Eponychium, perionychium, hyponychium act as
Weightless seals that protects bacteria from the nail plates
Split cuticle around the nail caused by improper cuticle cutting, job related, skin dryness
agnail or hangnail
Darkening of the nails discoloration may be in a band or stripe
Nail Psoriasis
Nail will appear pitted and have roughness on the surface
Which grows faster toenails or fingernails
Whitish discoloration of the nails , nail injuries, genetics
Dark purplish discoloration under the nail is
bruised nail
Vertical or horizontal indentations running the length or width of the nail plate
Which finger nail grows the slowest?
What continuously supplies nourishment to the nail?
nail bed
Nail Pterygium is
forward growth of living skin that adheres to the surfaces of the nail plate