2 Primary Types of Bacteria
What are Pathogenic and Nonpathagenic ?
The basic unit of all Living things and carry out all life processes.
What are Cells?
Epidermis and Dermis
What are the 2 Divisions of the Skin
Nails are composed of this Protein also found in skin and hair.
What is Keratin?
Blood clot formed under the nail plate due to injury.
What are bruised nails?
Division of a Bacteria cell into 2 new cells.
This System changes food into nutrients and waste.
What is the Digestive System?
Slightly moist, soft and flexible, smooth and fine grained, slightly acidic and reacts to touch.
What Is Healthy Skin?
Where nail is formed composed of cells that produce the nail plate.
What is the Matrix?
Caused by a nervous habit. Frequent manicures can help overcome the habit.
What is Onychophagy?
A contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite
What is Scabies?
Uppermost and Largest bone of the arm, extending from elbow to shoulder.
What is the Humerus?
Tiny grains of pigment that protects against UV light.
What is Melanin?
Living skin at the base of the nail plate covering the matrix.
What is Eponychium?
The lifting of the nail plate from the bed without shedding starting at the free edge going to the Lunula. Usually a result of injury, trauma or allergic reaction.
What is Onycholysis ?
Substances that kill microbes on contaminated surfaces.
What is disinfectants?
Automatic response to a stimulus that involves movement. Example: quick removal of a hand from a hot stove.
What is Reflex?
An acquired thickened patch of epidermis caused by pressure or friction on hands and feet. If it grows inward its a corn.
The technical term for Nail.
What is Onyx?
The medical term for fungal infections of the feet, also know as athlete's foot.
What is Tinea Pedis?
The ability to destroy or resist infection.
What is immunity?
This system is composed of 206 bones.
What is the skeletal system?
It essential to maintaining the health of the skin and body. It sustains the health of the cells, aids in elimination of toxins and waste, regulates the body's temperature and aids in digestion. You can not live without it.
What is Water?
The dead colorless tissue attached to the nail plate. Seals against microorganisms, helps prevent injury and infection.
What is the Cuticle?
A bacterial infection that start as yellow to green to brown to black on the nail plate.
What is Pseudomonas Aeruginosa?