Fabulous 50's!
Hippie Dippy 60's!
Disco Fever 70's!
80's Pop & More!

The year was 1953 when these convenient frozen meals were introduced in the United States. Can you name the company and their invention?

The Swanson Company - TV dinners! The first TV dinner was composed of a Thanksgiving-style turkey meal complete with cornbread stuffing and peas.

In 1954, Swanson sold more than 10 million units ! 


On 20 July 1969, the human race defied the odds by stepping foot on the moon! Can anyone namer the astronaut that took the step and his famous quote?

Neil Armstrong - "“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” 

Armstrong and Aldrin spent about two hours on the moon's surface, collecting samples, taking pictures, and setting up scientific equipment


This variety show was popular in 70's and always ended with the star singing and tugging on her ear.

What is the Carol Burnett Show? Burnett has earned 24 Emmy Award nominations and won seven Emmy Awards, plus one honorary award.


In 1987 20% of all mattress sales were this kind of wiggly and aquatic variety

Waterbeds! The waterbed market was worth $2 billion. 


On July 17th 1955 this famous amusement park opened its doors to 28,000 guests in California! Can you name the lpark and city where it opened?

Disneyland in Anaheim, California! 

Disneyland's opening day was "disastrous" by many accounts — the park wasn't quite ready for visitors, it ran out of food and drinks, counterfeit tickets led to unexpectedly large crowds, and shoes even got stuck in freshly laid asphalt in 100-degree California heat.


IIt was September 30th 1960 when this Hanna-Barbera production made its debut and became the second-most-successful and longest-running cartoon series in television history, behind only The Simpsons. Can you name the show and its iconic family from Pride Rock?

The Flintstones!

Joe Barbera thought about calling the show The Gladstones, then decided on The Flagstones until he realized there was a comic strip with the same name.


This iconic skit show made its debut and October 11th 1975 at midnight and is still running today!

Saturday Night Live! They've had 49 seasons and over 950 episodes!


What sort of car was used as a time machine in the movie Back to the Future?

A DeLorean

As if steel wasn't fragile enough, DeLorean made a deal with American Express and for publicity, two DeLoreans were made from 24K gold


What iconic music genre made its debut in 1950's growing popular amongst teens with leading acts like Chuck Berry, Elvis & Jerry Lee Lewis?

Rock & Roll ! The older generation loathed rock and roll but the youth loved the new music that celebrated  themes like love and freedom from oppression. 


It was August 28th 1963 when this revolutionary civil rights leader spoke before a crowd of 250,000 people on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Can you name the speech and its speaker?

Martin Luther King Jr. - "I Have A Dream"

A little known fact about King was that he entered college when he was 15-years-old  and that he was named after protestant reformer Martin Luther


This is a common form of communication today but in 1971 the very first electronic message was sent by engineer Ray Tomilson! 

Email ! Email was invented to allow users to send messages between computers on a network, rather than just between users on the same computer!


What is the name of Whitney Houston’s first platinum-selling single?

I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 

Released as the first single from Houston's second studio album on radio stations at the end of April 1987. It entered the Billboard Hot 100, the issue dated May 16, 1987, at number 38, her highest debut in the 1980s.


Many have climbed this monumental mountain today but It was May 29th 1953 when the first human ascent to the summit of the tallest mountain on Earth was reached by sherpa Tenzing Norgay and British explorer Sir Edmund Hillary. Can you name the mountain and where it is located?

Mount Everest in The Himalayas located on the border of Nepal and Tibet, an autonomous region of China

Everest is a massive 8848 meters tall in 2023: 667 climbers reached the summit during the spring climbing season. 


"____ Mania" Started February 9th 1964 When this iconic band performed for its first U.S Audience on the Ed Sullivan Show to 75 million viewers! Can you name the mania and the band?

Beatlemania & The Beatles!

There were 52,000 calls from people requesting seats in the audience of The Ed Sullivan Show, but only 728 were available.


George Lucas’s space opera premiered in 1977, becoming a cultural phenomenon and one of the highest-grossing film franchises of all time. Can you name the iconic franchise?

Star Wars! The film was initially released in only 42 theaters.  premiered in 1977, becoming a cultural phenomenon and one of the highest-grossing film franchises of all time. 


This iconic event formally ended the Cold War and eventually caused the Soviet Union to collapse

The Fall of the Berlin Wall


The iconic hip swinging toy was first designed by Arthur K. “Spud” Melin and Richard Knerr. It was an instant success, and they sold 25 million units in the first four months! Can you name the toy, bonus points if you can use it!

The Hula Hoop! Can anyone here hula hoop for candy??


February 25th 1964 a boxing legend was born! He won the light heavyweight gold medal in the 1960 Olympics and went on to win 56 of his 61 professional fights! Can you name this fighter? (His birth name and chosen name) And his famous quote?

Cassius Clay / Muhammad Ali - "Fly Like a Butterfly , Sting Like a Bee!"

When his bike was stolen, Clay went to the police. The officer was a boxing trainer and suggested the 12-year-old learned to fight, so he joined the gym. 6 weeks later, Clay won his first boxing match.


In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded this technology company that would go on to revolutionize personal computing and make them two of the wealthiest individuals in the world. What is the name of the company?

"Micro Soft" At age 31, Bill Gates was officially the youngest billionaire in the world. This was 2 years after Microsoft Windows was released. 


Originally given the Japanese title “Puckman”, what 1980s arcade game was inducted into the Guinness Book of Records as the "Most Successful Coin-Operated Game."

Pac-Man - Pac-Man was the United States' highest-grossing arcade game of 1981, and second highest game of 1982. By 1982, it was estimated to have had 30 million active players across the United States.
