What do you do when you are receiving not nice messages?
Block and report
What is a digital footprint?
A digital footprint is where all of your data is stored about all of the things that you have done online and on the internet
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is where someone is using the internet to hurt or bully someone
What is a Troll?
A troll is people hurting and upsetting other people over a device and the internet
Do you post inappropriate pictures of you or your friends?
Should you start a Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account without telling your parents?
How do you manage a digital footprint?
Check out what people can find out about you by searching up your name on the internet
What do you do if you are being cyberbullied?
Report to a trusted adult and block that person
Do you say something mean back to a Troll?
you just block and report
Do you look at inappropriate posts?
True or false: the internet is a safe place for everyone
it is not a safe place for anyone
Is a digital footprint a real thing?
Yes it is
Why does cyberbullying happen?
Some people just like to cause drama
Do Trolls target one person or more then one person?
They target more then one person
What do you do if your friends tell you to do something inappropriate?
Say 'no I am not doing that'
True or false: Do something that your friends are pressuring you to do
never do something that you are pressured to do
Dose the internet remember you?
Yes it remembers you more than you think it does
How can you help someone who is being cyberbullied online?
Stay calm so that you can think clearly
Why do Trolls happen?
They might be seeking attention, seeking revenge or just plain boredom
What do you do if anyone starts saying inappropriate things?
Walk away or switch off the device
Do you post images that you are forced to post?
Does your digital footprint effect you when you are older?
It does
what do you do if you find yourself cyberbullying some one?
If you notice that you are cyberbullying someone make a note to stop and apologise
What causes Trolling?
Trolling is multi-causal
What do you do if you saw something online that made you feel yuck?
Switch off the device