What does it look like when being used?
It looks like not making rash decisions and instead thinking through your choices.
Who was apart of the Barbary Pirates War
The US and the Barbary Pirates
What the Barbary Pirates War Domestic or Foreign?
Who was apart of the Neutrality Act?
Washington and the Presidents cabinet.
What the Neutrility Act Domestic or Foreign?
What does it mean to have critical thinking?
Critical thinking means to think long and hard about every decision made in a position of power. It is also used to make sure your choices match the needs of whom you're deciding for.
When was the Barbary Pirates War?
Who was the President during this War?
When was the Neutrality Act?
Who was the President during this act?
Meditterranean Sea
What was the significance of this war in history?
It proved that the U.S had a strong national government and that Jefferson was a critical thinking president.
Where was the Neutriality Act Signed?
Phillidelphia PA
What was the significance of this act in history?
It showed that the U.S was a full indeendent country and that we didn't have to help other countries in wasr that we weren't included in.
Why did the Barbary Pirates War start?
Becasue Jefferson rufused to pay the barbary pirtaes the money they asked for
How does the handling of this event show the importance of critical thinking?
The handling of these evnts prove that the U.S thought through every decision made and was strong to no to the Pirates, shwoing that the U.S thought through there decision.
Why did the neutriality act happen?
To prove that the U.S could be its own independent country and that we could handle ourselfs without Britian or France.
How does the handling of this event show the importance of critical thinking?
The handling of these events, showed critical thinking on Washingtons part because he thoguh ahead for the future of the country and made sure no country thoguht they had our alinance or trust.
What was the Neutrialty Act?
Washington choosing no sides in a war between Britain and France