Epic Women/ Mujeres Epicas
Who AM I?/
Quien SOY?
Name the Barren Wife/ Esposas Esteriles
Bad Women / Mujeres Malas

Her name means "Mother of all Living"

Su nombre significa "Madre de todos los vivientes"

Who is: EVE  /  EVA


My Husband died and My mother in laws husband died so we moved to her homeland and I began to follow her God - The True God of Israel... I became the great grandmother of King David

I am/ Soy : Ruth


This wife couldnt have children so she offered her maidservant to her husband to bare them a child.



This woman betrayed a Man of God by cutting his hair while he was asleep.

Esta Mujer traiciono a un Hombre de Dios al cortar su cabello mientras el dormia.

who is: Delilah/ Dalila


This Woman was present at Jesus' Birth and at Jesus' Death

Esta Mujer estaba presente en el nacimiento de Jesus y tambien en la Muerte de Jesus.

Who is Mary Mother of Jesus? 

Maria , su madre 


I am the cousin of Mary the mother of Jesus

Soy la Prima de Maria(la madre de Jesus)

I am/ Soy : Elizabeth


This  wife couldnt have Children and she fasted and poured her soul out to the Lord for a child, when the Lord granted her a child - she offered him to God by giving him to the Church to do the Lords work



This woman tried to have an affair with young Joseph and lied about him raping her & had him put in jail.

Esta mujer deseo tener relaciones con un joven Jose y mintio que el intento violarla y lo pusieron en la carcel.

Potiphars Wife / La mujer de Potifar


Name the Book & Chapter where we read about the "Virtous Woman"/

Nombra El Libro y Capitulo donde se Lee de "La Mujer Virtuosa"

What is PROVERBS 31/ Proverbios 31


I met Jesus at Jacob's  Well where He told me all the things I've done , like having 5 husbands

 Soy  la mujer que se encontro con Jesus en el Poso de Jacob y me dijo todo lo que e hecho como el tener 5 maridos.

(hint: John 4:5-30)

I am: "The Samaritan Woman"/

soy: "La Mujer Samaritana"


This wife could'nt have children at first , but after her husband had 10 other sons she bore him a son and he Loved him more than all his other sons .

who is: RACHEL


This young girl danced in exchange for  John The Baptist's Beheading (Death)

Esta muchacha bailo en cambio de la cabeza de Juan el bautista.

Herodias' daughter   (King Herod's Mistress'daughter)

Hija de Herodías 


She was an Orphan who became  Royalty  and saved the Jewish people from annihilation 

Ella fue una huerfana que se convirtio en emperadora y salvo a el pueblo Judio.

who is: Queen Esther / Reina Ester


We are sisters who both married Jacob 

*Hint: Genesis 29

Rachel & Leah / Raquel y Lea


This wive's husband pleaded with the Lord for a child because she was barren and she conceived twins who were to become rivals.

Rebekah/ Rebeca


this Queen had a horrible death, Was thrown from a window , trampled by horses and  her body was eaten by dogs.

Esta Reine murio teriblemente, fue arrojado de una ventana, los caballos la pisotearon y los perros comieron su cuerpo .

who is:  Queen Jezebel/  La reina Jezabel


Jesus casted out 7 demons from this women and she became one of his Faithful Followers. She was also at his death, burial and witnessed his resurection.

Jesus  saco 7 demonions de esta mujer y ella se convirtio en seguidora fiel de El.Tambien estuvo presente en su muerte, entierro y resureccion.

who is : Mary Magdalene / Maria Magdalena


I am the Woman who Broke an expensive  alabaster jar of perfume on Jesus' head &  feet.

Soy la mujer que quebrante un vaso de alabastro de perfume de nardo puro sobre la cabeza y los pies de Jesus.

I am  Mary of Bethany/ 

Soy Maria de Betania


This wife was barren and God heard her husbands prayer and granted them a son in their old age -  Her husband couldnt believe it so God turned him mute as punishment.

Who is: Elizabeth

Who is the "adulterous" woman that God Tells Hosea(the prohet) to marry and to  forgive her unfaithfulness.

*Hint:Hosea1 :2-3

who is:  Gomer
