can be bacterial or viral, s/s include red swollen tonsils, possible white exudate, difficulty swallowing, bad breath, nasal speech due to enlarged adenoids
treat bacterial with antibiotics, viral is self-limiting
Nursing care- soft foods, throat culture, tonsillectomy if reoccurring, warm or cold compress over throat
obstructive airway. characterized by wheezing on expiration, tripod position, SOB, fatigue with ADL, decrease CO2, tachypnea, hypoventilation
PFT to diagnosis,
meds- albuterial, inhaled steroid, humidified oxygen
treat- long term meds, asthma action plan, airway management
medication adherence, long-term vs short term medications
characterized by clear rhinorrhea, itchy eyes, nose, ears, palate, allergic salute, allergic shiners, dry lips, elevated IgE and sIgE, CBC shows elevated eosinophils
allergic rhinitis-
eliminate allergen, anti-histimine, decongestants, short term corticosteroids, leukotriene inhibitors, wash hands, shower, keep pets outside, run AC, etc
Virchow's Triad for clot formation
venous stasis- immobility, bed rest
hyper-coagulability - cancer
endothelial damage- surgery, previous clots, chemo, infection, inflammation
has 3 phases. common symptoms are fever non responsive to antipyretics, strawberry tongue, swelling and redness in hands and feet, peeling skin, endocarditis, beau lines on nail beds
Kawasaki disease
IVIG to treat, aspirin is needed, monitor heart, elevate painful joints, bland food, lung and heart sounds, child's behavior is part of disease, no live vaccines
Bacterial croup, can cause complete blockage of the airway in 4-6 hours, red, swollen obstruction. Drooling, dysphasia, dysphonia, distressed inspiratory efforts, cherry red soft tissue
important: never examine throat, do not leave child unattended, intubation for patency, oxygen monitoring, antibiotics, do throat culture after the intubation is completed
characterized by a low-high fever, cough, crackles, high WBC and lasts 5-7 days. Infiltractes found on chest x-ray. Common in children less than 5 and follows an infection like RSV or rhinovirus
viral pneumonia-
Supportive care, allow for rest, fluid replacement
active immunity
when the body is exposed to an antigen, either through illness or vaccination, and creates a long-lasting immune response with memory cells. For example, after recovering from chickenpox or receiving a flu vaccine, the body produces IgG antibodies, which allow for a faster and stronger defense if exposed to the same pathogen again.
achy pain after sitting or standing, heavy feeling in effected extremity, pressure, itching, burning, swelling at the end of the day. Female, smoking, obese are risk factors also lifestyle like sitting or standing most of the day
varicose veins, treat using the 3 E's
- elastic therapy, exercise, elevate
injections- sclerotherapy, laser therapy, Phlemectoby, other herbals are commonly used.
assess- edema, venous insufficiency, leg ulcers, diet and nutritional status
hereditary disease that males transmit (x linked recessive), no sure, hematuria, loss of joint function, bleeding, with injection, bleeding in joints, black tarry stools
diagnosis- PT factors and PTT factors, prevent bleeding, transfuse plasma, RICE when joints are painful, soft toothbrush, no rectal temps, measure joints often
common in children due to anatomy. Characterized by tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, Bulging red tympanic membrane, pulling on ears.
Otitis Media
Treatment: self-limiting, treat if patient has pain and appearance with antibiotics
Monitor for reoccurring, may need tubes
thick secretions, infections, wheezing, dry non-productive cough, steatorrhea, flatus, malnutrition and decreased growth, intestinal obstructions, fertility complications
Cystic Fibrosis
positioning, PET therapy, sweat test, nutrition, Medications, percussion, postural drainage, antibiotics, high protein and high calorie diet, fat soluble vitamins
Passive Immunity
Passive immunity is when the body receives antibodies from an external source, providing short-term protection without stimulating the immune system. Examples include receiving antibodies through breast milk or an antibody injection like the tetanus shot.
the heart's inability to meet the demands of the rest of the body's needs. s/s include- difficulty feeding, tachypnea, cardiomegaly, murmur, edema and poor perfusion, liver and spleen enlargement, cyanosis or pallor color
heart failure-
diagnosis- EKG and chest x-ray, echocardiogram. MANY LABS
improve cardiac function, meds- digoxin, cardiac glycoside, diurteics, monitor weight gain, I and Os, daily weights, lung sounds, meds
failure of the fetal ductus arteriosus to close. Lead to increase workload on the heart. heart murmur, endocarditis risks, widened pulse pressures feeding problems
tx- surgical repair to close the duct, digoxin, oxygen maybe needed, sometimes closes on its own just delayed. tx and nursing care is dependent on symptoms in each case
inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, increase in cough that is nonproductive and loose, crackles and rhonchi heard, low-grade fever, increase in mucous production. normal chest x-ray.
diagnosis- throat culture
self-limiting, rest, fluid, humidification, avoid smoke, monitor respiratory status. Avoid cough suppressants
Caused from RSV, tachypnea, tachycardia, wheezing, crackles, nasal flaring, cyanosis, hypothermia or febrile. caused from edema and accumulation of mucous and cellular debris worse cases can lead to atelectasis if the obstruction is complete
RSV test to comfirm diagnosis, monitor respiratory status, promote rest, head and chest at 30-40 degrees with neck extended, contact isolation.
Themoregulation and dehydration
meds- bronchodilator, steroid, epinephrine, synagis- to prevent RSV in premature newborns
severe, rapid-onset. triggered by allergens that cause histamine release, leading to symptoms like facial swelling, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Immediate management includes administering epinephrine, ensuring airway protection, and providing oxygen and fluids, as untreated anaphylaxis can result in shock, cardiac arrest, or death.
epinephrine, lay falt with feet slightly elevated, keep warm with bear hugger, intubation cart, oxygen therapy, fluids
major drop in RBC count due to the use of unfractioninated heparin (lovenox), more common in females, bleeding, small clots that lead to tissue ischemia, risk of MI
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
protect from bleeding, protect injuries, give direct thrombin inhibitor like Apixaban
characterized by arthritis, carditis, chorea, skin lesions, sub q nodules, fever, abdominal pain, positive ASO or ASLO titer
rheumatic fever-
prophylactic antibiotics are needed for dental work to prevent endocarditis, antibiotics to teat the strep, avoid mitral valve damage, daily weights, rest, nutrition
characterized by a harsh barkey cough and inspiratory stridor, commonly occurs after a respiratory tract infection
prevent with Hib vaccine
croup score to diagnose
rest, fluids, humidify air (sometimes)
meds: dexamethasone and budesonide
characterized by abrupt onset, after a upper respiratory infection, high fever, chills, cough, diminished breath sounds, restlessness, decrease lung capacity from alveoli filled with fluid and cells
antibiotic, frequent monitoring
plays a key role in allergic reactions by binding to allergens and triggering the release of histamine and other chemicals from mast cells and basophils, which cause inflammation and symptoms like swelling, itching, and difficulty breathing
right to left shunt of the heart leads to less oxygenated blood in circulation. commonly known by 4 defects:
P-pulmonary stenosis, R- right ventricular hypertrophy, O- overriding aorta, V- ventricular septal defect
tet spells worse when crying, cyanotic, fatigue, murmur that sounds mechanical, clubbing
Tetralogy of Fallot
chest X-ray, calm infant, prostaglandin to help maintain patency of the ductus arterioles, propanolol- help reduce tet spells
narrowing of the aorta. hypertensive and bounding pulses in upper extremities and hypotensive in the lower extremities. epitaxis, leg cramps
treat- dig, diuretics, oxygen, prostaglandin to help dilate the vessels, cardiac cath to help repair and open the vessel. surgery last resort