This is the 2nd rung of the angry ladder. I was calm to begin with, now something is bothering me, it's not a big problem, but I could become angry if it doesn't stop
Someone cuts in front of you in line?
1. Ask them nicely to give you your spot back
The season we are in right now is Spring
Would you rather live somewhere where it snows every day or rains every day?
Which Pixar film features a rat that wants to become a chef?
Answer: 'Ratatouille'.
Where are the seeds of a strawberry?
On the outside
To feel better he could.....
Ask to go to a quiet space
Tell an adult what is bothering him
The second rung of the anger ladder....
Something is bothering me. I can become more angry if it doesn't stop.
someone in your class gets a tiger pride award and you don't
congratulate them and try hard to get one next time
22 +20+1+0+20=61
Would you rather live without a television or live without a phone or tablet?
Can you get milk from all cows in Minecraft?
Where does Mike Wazowski go with his girlfriend Celia for her birthday feast in ‘Monsters Inc’?
Answer: Harryhausen’s.
These kids look:
Spread the joy!
The 4th rung of the anger ladder:
I am not getting what I want. I feel uncomfortable, it might look like I'm mad or sad
Your best friend has a new toy that you really like. You ask to see and they say no. What do you do?
accept his answer and ask again at a different time
It's OK to hug a friend without asking
False. You should always ask a person if it's ok to give a hug
Would you rather build a sandcastle or build a snowman??
What Animal Is Sonic
Which poisonous fruit did Snow White eat?
This boy looks like he is ..
He could......
Ask a trusted adult for a hug
Ask to go to a quiet space
The 5th rung of the anger ladder:
I feel uncomfortable, like it's painful, hard to think clearly
You go to sit down at lunch but your seat is taken by someone. What do you do?
1. tell your friend you were sitting there
2. get a another chair
3. let a teacher know
Someone punches me on the playground so I DEFEND myself and hit them back. I am not at fault.
False. It's NEVER ok to hit someone, and it NEVER solves/fixes the problem.
Would you rather have only hamburgers or only hot dogs for the rest of your life?
What is the best way to kill spider in the Minecraft?
With a spider
Who is Abu the best friend of?
This guy is...
Before he climbs up the ladder he should....
Ask to take a break!
This is the 6th rung of the ladder:
I did not, or was not able to, use any of my "tools or startegies" to help me stay calm.
My mind is completely angry I need to express it! I may say or do something that can hurt myself or others.
The teacher says that there will be a partner project and you need to find a partner. You go to your friend that you want to work with but they say they already have a partner. What do you do?
find another partner
Someone is crawling up the slide, they're not supposed to so I should get a teacher.
This is a SMALL problem and more importantly it's not YOUR problem.
Would you rather eat only chocolate ice cream or only vanilla ice cream?
What happens to Pinocchio when he lies?
His nose grows
Who is Mrs. Pitt's favorite Disney Character?
1.Snow white
2.Mickey Mouse
This girl is clearly.....
What can she do?
Ask for a break
Deep breaths in ,Deep breaths out
Ask for help
you suddenly find out that your favorite UA has been rescheduled to a different day
Would you rather be spider man or captain america?
What season does Olaf like to dream about?