If I were to go on my first vacation what would it had been?
Hint: starts with an M
What has a neck but no head?
A shirt!
what is valor mascot?
Hint: starts with J
what did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?
This tastes a funny
if there was a monkey, a rooster, a dog, bird which one would I most likely get?
Hint: Choose MORE than one
If I were to go on vacation for the 4th time where would I had been?
hint it starts with f
what has six FACES, But does not wear makeup, and Twenty- One eyes, But cannot see?
A dice
hint: starts with T
why couldnt the pony sing a lullaby?
she was a little horse
If I were to watch Avengers endgame, Who's death in there would I be sad for?
hint: he says this "I love you 3000"
Iron man
if I were to name My favorite planet what planet would it be?
H: starts with S
Heres a riddle,
If a Man Had 14 eggs and got two eggs, cooked two eggs, ate two eggs.
how many eggs are there?
12 eggs
What is Stems mascot?
hints: its not an animal practically but you use it every day to battery up you phone!
sometimes I dont understand logic
if i had open a door for a lady in the plane what had happened?
She had flew out of the plane
I can be hot, I can be cold, I can run and be still, I can be hard and soft. what am I?
if I was Born in a city, What city would it had been?
Hint: starts with N
Newyork City
What Can travel around the world while staying in the corner?
A stamp
What is "rocketships" mascot?
Hint: I dont really know but I guess it starts with A R its in the name.
why do we tell actors to "break a leg"?
If I were to watch my all time favorite two anime's what anime's would it be?
hint: hint first one starts with D second one starts with N
Naruto and Demon slayer
If I had gone to 3 different school what were they?
Hint: 1. starts with S and ends with m 2. starts with K and ends with e (a other hint: what do you get based of learning) (for K). 3. starts with L and ends with t
Stem, Knowledge, Lead southeast
How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor WITHOUT cracking it?
Concrete floors are hard to crack
What is Glenview's mascot?
Hint: most schools have this mascot it starts with a H (i think)
why did the nurse need a red pen at work?
To draw blood
I have no life but I can die. `what am I?
A battery