The name Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem carry the slightly different meanings?
How many names of Allah are mentioned in Surah Al Ikhlaas?
What is the meaning of what we say when saying takbir?
Allah is the greatest
Which names of Allah describe that he is the provider?
Al Raziq. Answers may vary
What does the name Al Afuw mean? Mention a dua with this name.
The one who covers sins as if not committed at first.
Duas may vary*
What is the statement of Tawhid?
لا اله الا الله
Translation: There is no one who deserves to be worshipped except for Allah
List three names of Allah directly describing his greatness.
Al A’laa الأعى
Al Aliy العلي
Al Mut’aal المتعال
Which name of Allah do we mostly see being used to make dua with in the Quran?
Rabb رب
How many names of Allah are mentioned in the Basmalah?
List 3 names of Allah that refer to his oneness
Al Wahid
Al Ahad
As Samad
Mention a dua that uses the name of Allah Al Adheem, العظيم
Duas may vary
Mention an Ayah in the Quran that mentions he provides.
Answers may vary
True or False?
Ar Rahman entails that Allah shows mercy to all of mankind while Ar Raheem entails special mercy for the believers.
Mention a Surah in the Quran that solely speaks about the oneness of Allah سبحانه وتعالى
Surah Al Ikhlaas
Mention an Ayah that mentions the name Al A’laa الأعلى
Answers may vary
Mention 3 names of Allah that refer to his ability to create
Al Khaaliq
Al Bari
Al MussawirMean a dua with the two names Al Ghafoor and Ar Raheem.
Answers may vary
What is the greatest name of Allah?
Allah. Although scholars differ
What is the meaning of the name Al Qawiy? القوي
Explain the meanings of the names Al Khaaliq, Al Bari, and Al Mussawir
Al Khaliq is the creator
Al Bari is the one who creates from nothing
Al Mussawir is the one who fashions