Where was Nancy born?
How many grandchildren does Nancy have?
What sport did Nancy play in high school?
Who introduced Ray and Nancy?
Uncle Timmy
What animal does Nancy fear the most?
Name one of the dogs Nancy grew up with.
Cleo or Cinnamon
Where did Nancy and Ray meet?
1505 Tonopah Drive Cincinnati OH (aka Gaga / Papa's house)
What are two things that Nancy cannot stand in her food.
Goat/Feta cheese and cilantro
Anderson High School
Name one of Nancy's godchildren.
Brian O'Flaherty. Leslie Patterson.
In high school Nancy's drove Grandpa's car off the road - what did she drive in to?
A corn field.
How long have Ray and Nancy been married?
41 years
What is Nancy's biggest fear? (other than the big like death ones)
Public Speaking
Nancy almost got arrested for her senior prank - what was she doing?
tee-peeing her high school (will also take: soaping the windows and/or Mary Ellen doing donuts on the lawn)
Name two of Nancy's grandparents.
Inez or Thomas
How did Nancy's grandmother meet her second husband?
He was her brother-in-law.
How long did Nancy and Ray know each other before they were married?
Approx 12-13 months. (will take anything within that range.) Met Memorial Day Weekend 1982- Married June 11, 1983
What is something at a mall or public two-building that Nancy fears the most?
How many states has Nancy lived in?
Who are Nancy's godparents?
Aunt Nancy and Uncle Len
For one of Nancy's jobs, she responded to fan mail for a Cincinnati Reds' player. Which very famous Reds' player was it?
Where did Ray and Nancy honeymoon?
Trick question - They never had one!
When Ray first moved to America, what fashion trend did he sport that embarrassed Nancy?
Socks with sandals