The Crouque Monsieur is different from our grilled cheese because the cheese is usually on the outside and ham on the inside. The Crouque “madame” adds a sunny-side-up egg to the top.
What is different about the Croque Monsieur compared to our grilled cheese?
Eiffel tower.
What is the most monumental monument in Paris?
The flower beds at Le Champ de Mars are so beautiful and perfect because they are manicured with military precision it is a former army marching ground.
Why are the flower beds at Le Champ de Mars so beautiful and perfect?
In the Paris metro system there is 300 stations.
How many stations are in the Paris metro system?
Capital of France
What is Paris
The best snack foods in Paris are; falafel, crepes, and galettes.
What are the best snack foods in Paris?
The Notre Dame Cathedral was built in 1163.
When was the Notre Dame Cathedral built?
The first Sunday of each month the classic museums of Paris open their doors for free for a free museum day.
When are the free museum days in Paris?
The metro of Paris is the second oldest metro in the world, after London's.
What is the second oldest metro in the world?
Paris has 2 million inhabitants.
What is the population of Paris?
French macarons are light cookies made with egg whites that sandwich a layer of icing. They are very brightly colored.
What are French macaroons?
Before the Louvre was a museum it was a fortress and a palace.
What was The Louvre before it was a museum?
La Nuit Blanche is once a year when Paris throws open its doors for a nocturnal cultural feast. Go to galleries or even swimming pools for free all night long.
What is La Nuit Blanche?
Paris has the 6th most used metro in the world with over 1.48 billion passengers using it. (in 2009)
What is the 6th most used metro in the world?
The motto of Paris is, "It is tossed by the waves, but does not sink."
What is the motto of Paris?
The typical Parisian breakfast consists of a croissant and a cup of coffee (or a bowl of coffee if with family).
What does the typical Parisian breakfast consist of?
The famous tapestry, "The Lady and the Unicorn", is displayed in Hôtel de Cluny.
Where is the famous tapestry, "The Lady and the Unicorn", is displayed?
At the heart of the Marché d’Aligre Market is the Marché Beauvau, one of the last remaining covered markets.
What is at the heart of the Marché d’Aligre Market?
Dangers to watch out for when riding the metro in Paris are pickpockets, crime "hot spots", and mugging.
What are some dangers when riding on the Paris metro?
There are more dogs in Paris than there are children, around 300,000 dogs.
Are there more dogs than children in Paris?
Paris is known of it’s high quality cuisine and a diversity of meal dishes.
What is Paris known for?
One of Europe's oldest universities is the Sorbonne University.
What is one of Europe's oldest universities?
Each June 21 at sundown for a free-for-all music fest featuring every type of music out there hundreds of musicians take to the streets, bars, and cafés for La Fête de la Musique.
What is La Fête de la Musique?
By law, no buildings can exceed six stories in Paris, Pour que tout le monde ait du soleil (so that all have sunshine).
Why can no building in Paris be over six stories tall?